For all those sticklers, I did create this world, but I also had inspiration --
namely, lots of fantasy books read over the years and Nettie Roe’s D&D
world (Josiah as mage, for eg). The map
is, quite obviously, my own pathetic creation (macpaint anyone?), but the
location of the kingdoms is supposed to be vaguely European in
perspective. Brishnia – the British
Isles; Danaeria – Scandinavia; Tilluria – Spain, France and Italy; Cathacus
(cradle of civilization) – Greece, Turkey, with bits of Eastern Europe and
Russia. At least, that’s what I was
imagining. The weather here, though, is
really messed.
Four Kingdoms
An alternate Mag 7 universe with shades of all the episodes. You should see lots of familiar faces, slightly altered.... |
There are Four Kingdoms on the
Dajan Peninsula: Brishnia, Tilluria, Cathacus and Danaeria. For centuries the Kingdoms existed in
harmony, balanced by magic, but when King Farron of Danaeria decided he wanted
to bring back the old Empire, a darkness returned to blanket the world….
Chapter Two: Paintings on the Wall
Chapter Three: The Players Arrive
I’ve collected the weapons of
the Seven into a small armory. To see
them, click HERE
as soft clay, the thick, wet mist enshrouded the solitary rider, seeping
through the heavy black wool cloak and layers of chain mail to chill him to the
bone. Deep within the recesses of the
dark hood, his head was bowed almost to his chest, eyes staring blankly at the
dark leather pommel of the saddle, his heart trusting his horse to find the
way. In imitation of his rider, the
large black quarter horse had his head lowered towards the ground, barely aware
of his surroundings. The gelding was as
thick as an old oak, and nearly as steadfast, but the thinning air as they
climbed up the Mid Reaches towards Four Corners Pass was taking its toll. The beast’s heaving breaths seemed the only
thing the rider could hear outside of the soft clanging of the metal hooves on
the scree slope.
around the pair hummed the constant roar of the Rhean, the White River,
churning the rock of the mountains into dust, millimeter by millimeter. It had millennia ago carved its way through
the mountains, pouring westward into the Brishnian Wash, and eastward into Lake
Rhea. A high canyon rose vertically
upwards from the rushing water, as deep as a thousand feet in some places down
in the lower hills. Up here, the canyon
was less deep, but the mercurial liquid itself ran deeper and faster with each
rising tier. No one knew where in the
mountains it began, only that, by the time it lurched down next to the Pass, it
was a force as powerful as a thunderclap.
But, if you are next to it for long enough, as will happen to anyone who
travels through the Pass, it becomes as white noise, as soundless as silence.
the ground seemed to level out, and the rider braved a glimpse out at the
endlessly green, gray and black landscape.
Squinting into the fog, he realized he could just make out the stone
cairn that marked the beginning of the Pass, and he exhaled loudly. At that same moment, the faint trickle of
the spring became audible, and the rider led his beast towards the sound.
horse gratefully bent his head to the ground to take a sip as his rider
dismounted to do the same. Ironic, the
man thought, pushing his hood back to reveal a mane of thick scraggly blond
hair, to be enveloped by water and yet still be thirsty. Slowly, he pulled off a damp black leather
glove and cupped some water into his hand, his fingers tingling in reaction to
the icy cold liquid. Before he was able
to bring it to his lips, however, his horse abruptly raised its head, staring
back down the trail.
man looked at his companion briefly, then turned steel blue eyes in the same
direction, the fog screening off all but five feet in front of him. Shaking the water from his fingers, he moved
to rest the still stinging hand on the hilt of the broad sword at his waist and
cautiously stood up. Before long he too
could hear the sound of a slow moving horse making its way up the trail,
accompanied by the creak of a leather saddle.
He stepped in front his war horse to meet the traveler, a casual
authority marking his stance.
from the mist, a black steed similar to his own became visible, the only
difference being in the bright white star that split its forehead. The creature regarded him with baleful eyes,
blinking slowly as its rider brought him to a halt, then turned its head
towards the same trickling stream without another thought.
his back, a rider wearing a short dun colored cloak pushed back his hood,
revealing a youthful face perhaps ten years younger than blond man’s. He had long shoulder length brown hair,
which he had loosely tied back by a leather strap, and grayish colored eyes that
widened slightly as he gazed upon the other man.
The newcomer asked, noting the completely black ensemble, colored only by the
silvery dint of the chain mail visible beneath the cloak and doublet. The arsenal of weapons bristling on the war
horse’s saddle only added to the effect – the newcomer counted two swords, an
axe and a mace.
blond man stared back, not answering, and the dun rider shrugged. Dismounting, he led his tired horse to the
stream then knelt down to drink some water for himself after removing the large
crossbow he had strapped to his back.
He placed the crossbow on the muddy ground, in easy reach.
Vin,” he remarked after gulping a couple of handfuls, “I ain’t looking for a
fight. Just on my way to Four Corners.” He looked up into those same cold eyes and
frowned, noting that neither the man in black nor his horse had moved since his
trained horse,” Vin noted. “Mine only
ever wants to eat, drink, shit and sleep.
I’ve tried to train him, but the minute he smells food….” He trailed
off, the smile forming on his face fading as quickly as it appeared under the
other’s glare. “Well, I aim on having
my lunch here, so, unless you want to watch, I suggest you get back to whatever
it was you were doing before I came.”
He stood then, flexed an eyebrow at the older man, and turned to the
saddlebags strapped to the back of his saddle.
He hung the large crossbow off his shoulder casually as he dug for the
small leather pouch inside which he’d hidden his food.
man in black watched him for another minute, then looked down at the stream,
his hand releasing itself from the pommel.
Recognizing the move, his war horse returned to its watering.
“Chris. Name’s Chris,” the older man said, his voice
scratchy from the long ride. He wiped
the free hand across his face, noting the thick layer of whiskers that had
formed during his travels. He’d have to
shave before reaching Mary’s.
turned and smiled again, the expression appearing easily on his face. For some reason, the man in black found
himself smiling back, unable to stop himself.
The muscles on his cheeks ached slightly at the rarely used expression,
and the smile fell away quickly. To
hide his discomfort, he knelt down to drink some water for himself.
continued to smile lightly as he pulled the food from out a leather pouch, and
spilled three small apples along with a thick hunk of pumpernickel into his
hand. Without a word, he offered one of
the apples to Chris while he put another in his mouth. The blond man looked at the offering from
where he still knelt on the ground, then looked up with a nod.
he said, taking the apple. Vin nodded
back, then tapped his horse on his neck.
Leaning over, he fed the third apple to the beast, who nibbled at it
what I mean?” Vin chuckled, as the horse practically inhaled the fruit. Chris stood and leant against his horse,
watching the way the younger man unconsciously smoothed down his own horse’s
flank with a gloved hand as he fed him.
Finished, the horse allowed Vin to throw the core away as it put its
nose back down into the stream.
got a name?” Chris asked, moving to retrieve some provisions from his own
Winchester.” The black horse looked up
at the familiar name for a moment, then turned back to its first love. It had finished drinking and was now
feasting on the lush green grass that marked the sides of the rocky trail. Vin patted it one more time, and turned
around. Chris held out a piece of
jerky, and the younger man accepted it with a smirk.
your beast’s name?”
the man in black deadpanned, and Vin stepped back slightly. Then he saw the smile twitching at the
corner of the older man’s lips and started to laugh. Chris smiled again, more fully this time, and noted that it came
more easily.
his name is Solon.” The black beast
snorted as Chris patted its thick hide, but it didn’t raise its head. “He’s a cavalry charger.”
named him after the law-giver?”
nodded, and bit off a hunk of jerky.
The two men fell into a companionable silence, each man’s thoughts
turning to what was waiting for them in Four Corners.
they stood was at the western end of the high pass that ran through the Mid
Reaches, part of the Mid Reaches Mountain Range that divided east from
west. Of the three main passes that ran
through the range, this was the least used, being the most perilous to travel,
riddled with bandits, and at an altitude that gave most people a terrible
headache. The other two passes, Eagle
Pass to the south and the Tham Pass to the north, were more akin to highways,
providing the main means of access between the Four Kingdoms. But if you needed to cross diagonally
between the Kingdoms, Four Corners Pass was the only direct route.
through the pass lay the constantly changing town of Four Corners. It serves not only as a way station for
weary travelers, but also boasts the most vibrant mining community in the
kingdoms. Up here in the Mid Reaches was where most of world’s metal and other
ores could be found, along with some of the more rare stones used in elemental
magic. The people who live there are a
mix of fortune hunters (seeking those rare stones to sell to the handful of
magic wielders still existing down below), miners, hermits, fugitives, the
displaced, and a handful of permanent residents who call it home. Neither of the two men taking a repast on
the outskirts of the Pass were permanent residents, but neither were they
strangers to the community. At least,
no more than anyone else.
say that everyone passes through Four Corners at least once in their life, if
for no other reason than to visit the only site where all the Four Kingdoms
meet in one place. They also say that,
if you stand dead center, you can feel the power that pulses through every
living thing, and for a moment, you know what it must be like to be a god.
no one ever does it.
they say, everyone who has, has vanished.
In an eye blink. Gone.
not dead. Worse.
a moment. In the moment.
for the two men before us, such old superstitions have no meaning. They have never seen this place, nor do they
care to. Their business in Four Corners
has nothing to do with magic, or power, or rumor. At least, not yet.
common consent, the two travelers decided to ride the rest of the way to Four
Corners together, though the decision was not out loud. There was, they knew, safety in numbers now
that they were entering bandit country, and, besides, it was less lonely.
mulled over this second sentiment in his mind as he considered the younger man
next to him. He himself was not an old
man, not by any means. He sat somewhere
between his mid to late thirties, but for much of that time, he had been a
solitary individual. Well, until he’d
met Lady Sarah.
shook his head of the morose thought, reminding himself that he no longer had
the luxury to grieve over her loss.
Truth be told, he’d never had the time to grieve, except on the rare
night when he was alone with the one person whom he trusted enough to cover his
back so that he could get drunk. But
Captain Bucklin was becoming more and more elusive to track down, and times
being what they were….
thoughts meandered through his brain as he wondered at the immediate trust he’d
offered this man, Vin. They rode along silently,
as if they’d known each other for years, and Chris knew instinctively that,
somehow, this man would there to back him up if anything happened. And he’d do the same.
sat up straighter in his saddle suddenly and pulled Winchester to a halt. Chris pulled Solon alongside and offered a
puzzled stare.
that?” the young man asked, peering into the fog. The cloud cover had lifted
some with the heightening day but it was still impenetrable past about fifteen
shut his eyes and opened his ears, listening.
Shutting out the other noises, he suddenly caught the sound of a
plaintive whinny and haphazardly cantering hooves. Opening his eyes again, he squinted in the same direction as Vin
just as the dark sorrel mare entered into their field of vision, saddled but
riderless. The horse reared at the two
sudden obstacles on the roadway, and danced about a bit, eyes wide and nostrils
flaring. Quickly, Vin leapt off his
horse and approached the mare, speaking softly to calm her down, his hand
reaching out to grab the reins.
around them, Chris glanced at the full saddlebags, then trotted Solon a few
feet forward, still listening. An angry
shout cut through the wet air from in front of them, and Chris looked quickly
back at Vin, his steel eyes asking a silent question. The younger man grimaced, and inclined his head in a short
nod. With steady movements, Vin moved
to ground tie the now calm mare.
Remounting Winchester, he pulled the heavy crossbow from off his back
and cocked it with an arrow from the open quiver attached to his
saddlebags. Chris, meanwhile,
unsheathed his broadsword and rested it across his thighs. Together they moved forward slowly into the
Jackson held his rapier tight in his right hand as he drew another knife from
the collection he had strapped to his back with his left. He held the sharp blade in a throwing
position and watched his captors with coal black eyes.
bandits had all stepped back a bit when the Moor’s first knife had embedded
itself into the neck of their archer, ending that man’s threat with the bow and
arrow. It had been a desperate move on the part of their mark, but not a dumb
one. With the archer gone, it would
come down to hand to hand combat.
large swarthy man stepped forward and leered at the richly clad Moor, wanting
to get this over with quickly so that they could go after the man’s damn
horse…and those filled to brimming saddlebags.
The bandit leader drew his heavy two handed broadsword and held it in
front of him, pointing the tip down toward the ground. Around him, the remaining five outlaws also
drew their various weaponry, including another broadsword -- though much
smaller and lighter enabling the wielder to use one hand -- two short swords,
an axe and a rapier much like Nathan’s.
They circled around Nathan, and he was forced to swing himself around in
a vain attempt to keep them all in his line of sight.
see ‘ere mate,” the leader snarled, “killing our friend there weren't too
smart. See, before, we was just going
to kill you quick. Now, well…it may get
drawn out some, eh boys?” He laughed a
bit, and the others chimed in quick agreements, sounding a bit like hecklers at
a boxing match.
come one step closer,” the Moor threatened, raising his knife higher, his eyes
never blinking.
leader shook his head, and raised his sword point up, his thickly corded arms
rippling in response. “Don’t matter who you take out next with that pig sticker
of yours, Moorish man. There’ll still
be five of us left to take you down.”
sounds fair,” a voice drawled from behind them. Abruptly, all six outlaws turned to see a pair of men on horses
standing behind them. One had a
crossbow trained on the leader.
Chris agreed, lifting his sword up to allow the gray light to glint off of the
worn surface before letting it hang lightly by his side.
leader frowned at the two interlopers. “This don’t concern you, soldier boy,”
he said to Chris. The man in black’s eyebrow’s raised, and his lips curled into
a sneer.
he just call me ‘soldier boy,’ Vin?”
think he did, Chris,” Vin nodded, never dropping his bead with the
crossbow. He grinned as the leader’s eyes
flicked in his direction, and the man swallowed nervously at the sight of the
barbed tip on the arrow. “At least
get the feeling he doesn’t like that,” Nathan whispered to the bandit leader.
you just call me soldier?” Chris
repeated, the sneer fading into a thin lipped glare.
no, no, I uh…” the leader looked back at his friends, but they seemed even more
at a loss than he did. “I was just
saying that this weren’t your fight,” he stuttered.
leader grimaced and tried to draw himself up more regally. “There’s still more of us than there are of
you,” he said, with more courage than he felt.
let’s see,” Chris nodded, his words slow, “looks to me that the Moor there has
a pretty deadly accuracy with that knife of his, and he’ll probably take
another one of you down before that person has time to blink. Probably the guy
with the small broadsword.” He nodded
at the man, who visibly paled in response.
“Then there’s my friend Vin here, who’ll take down the guy with the
axe.” In the background, Vin grinned as
he switched his aim to cover the man with the axe, who shuffled back a couple
of steps. Chris pursed his lips, “That
leaves, oh, four of you to fight the three of us. Now, Solon here,” he petted the war horse, who bared his teeth at
the bandit leader, “will probably run another one of you over with his steel
shod hooves, leaving just three….By my estimation, I expect to be cleaning the
blood off my sword with your clothes in less than thirty seconds.” He smiled wickedly and lifted his sword up.
both the bandit with the axe and the one with the one handed broadsword dropped
their weapons and ran, disappearing into the fog without looking back. The leader stood, his thick lips spluttering
as he tried to call them back. When he
looked again at Chris, he noted that the crossbow was now aimed directly at his
own throat.
smiled. “Looks like Solon here won’t have to get his hooves bloody after all,”
he noted coldly.
was it, the remaining bandits dropped their weapons and took off running. The leader dropped his own weapon, waving
his hands in front of him in a warding off gesture towards the crossbow, then
he too turned and ran.
a deep sigh, Nathan fell to his knees and raised his eyes heavenward. When he looked back again at his two
saviors, he nodded.
he said.
Vin smiled back, still holding the crossbow close, just in case. Chris dismounted and started collecting
weapons. The Moor stood up and followed
him a bit, then went to the one dead man, the archer, and pulled his knife out
of his throat.
was a good throw,” Chris said, his eyes
glancing at the quality of the weapon. The handle was black and lined with a
filigree pattern he’d not seen before. But then, the Moor himself was not a type of man he came across
very often in his travels. His clothes
were rich in material, silks and velvets the color of lichen and bark, making
the Moor blend in some with his surroundings.
The black man smiled healthy white teeth in response.
have been told that I have some proficiency with them,” he agreed, but then his
smile faded. “Though it’s not something
I particularly enjoy doing. I prefer to
use them for healing.” He shrugged as he
wiped the blade off on the grass. He
looked down at the dead man and exhaled loudly.
a healer?” Vin asked as he accepted the dead archer’s quiver of arrows from
Chris to add to his collection. Nathan
sorts. I don’t have the power of some of the older healers, nor all the
training, but I can do some. Most of my
healing is not magic though – I work primarily with herbs, poultices and the
like. Healing just takes too much out
of both me and the patient.”
“Oh? How’s that?”
raised an eyebrow at the young man.
“Ain’t you never seen a healer before boy?”
grimaced at the tone. This new man
wasn’t much older than him, if at all. “Healers only ever work for the rich,
Moor.” There was a darkness underlining
the statement, and Nathan frowned.
Chris glanced over at Vin, then looked away. It was not his concern. The
man in black finished collecting the weapons and walked in the direction of the
Rhean, planning on throwing them into the canyon.
berated himself for his arrogance, a ugly trait he kept hoping he’d overcome.
“Sorry. Where I come from, healers are
still common enough that everyone can use them.” He sighed, thinking about the
home he would likely never see again.
“But, since you’re curious, all you have to know is that, when a healer
works magic, he gets the energy to perform it from both inside himself and from
the man he’s working on. When I heal
someone, I can feel the strength in him, and can direct it to making his skin
and bones knit a bit faster. But it
saps his energy, as well as mine. If
the man who’s hurt has lost too much blood or, if the wound is too big, then if
I try to help him, I’ll more likely just kill him faster.” He shrugged again as he reached down to pick
up his discarded cloak. He dropped the
long green wool cape to the ground when he’d been accosted and pulled off his
horse, in order to get to his knives.
Now, he covered them again, drawing the cloak tight around his shoulders
and pinning it in place with a pewter clasp.
Vin peered watchfully into the fog, his mind only half hearing what Nathan had
just told him.
off any remaining bits of grass and dirt from the cloak, Nathan looked up as
Chris returned, his arms now empty of weapons.
The healer leaned slightly on one leg.
again,” he repeated, looking at the ground.
“I, uh, don’t suppose you happened to see my horse pass you by on your
way here?”
smiled at Vin, who smirked back. “We might’ve.”
Nathan nodded, biting his lip. His eyes
widened slightly as he waited, “Is he, uh, is he far?”
laughed, “C’mon, we’ll take you to him.”
heading to Four Corners?” Vin interjected, as Nathan followed Chris to his
horse. The healer said yes as Chris
pulled him up behind him on Solon’s back.
The war horse shifted a bit to get his balance under the increased
weight, then turned under Chris’s hands to send them back in the direction that
they came from.
perhaps you’d best ride the rest of the way with us,” Vin finished. Nathan grinned.
would be most appreciated, sirs,” he said, thanking them again. “I suppose it
was a bit foolish of me to think I could ride the pass by myself.”
raised an eyebrow at that, and looked over at Vin, who was still gripping his
crossbow in his hands. He was guiding
Winchester with his legs, trusting the horse to follow Solon without any
a few minutes, they came across the dark sorrel, who was happily nibbling away
at a nearby tuft of grass. She looked
up as they approached and nickered softly in welcome.
rented,” Nathan said, dropping off from behind Chris and heading across to
her. “Guess I should have realized just
how skittish she was. She reared
immediately upon being fired upon by that archer, dropping me unceremoniously
to the hard earth….You feeling better now, darling?” This last question was aimed at the horse, who blinked at the
Moor and almost seemed to nod in response.
“Good,” Nathan replied, and moved to mount her.
up, he smiled at his two companions.
“By the way, the name’s Nathan,
Nathan Jackson. I hail from the
south of Cathacus.”
Larabee,” Chris stated. “Brishnia.”
Tanner,” the young man hesitated slightly, then his jaw set as he appeared to
come to a decision. “I’m a scout in the
Tillurian army.”
got both men’s attention, and they looked at the young man with open
was the first to regain his composure.
“How goes it down there?” he asked softly.
Vin looked down at the ground. “Not good. Its only a matter of time now.” His eyes were narrowed when he looked up again. “That’s why I’m here. The Oracle told our Queen that the answer lies in Four Corners….and that I’m the one who will find it.”
gray-haired mage sat in his room, looking out over the small mining town with a
despondent air. Nathan was late. Josiah should have known that the trip would
not be easy for the healer, but he also knew that, most of the time, the Moor
could take care of himself. But then,
these were anxious times. Trying
times. Interesting times. The old curse rang through his ears like a
clarion call.
he stretched his old muscles, feeling the strain of the workout he’d given
himself earlier. It seemed to take more
and more of his energy every year just to stay in shape, and sometimes he
wondered why he even bothered. Most
mages when they reached the age of fifty were either dead, or had given into
the call of the magic, vanishing into the light like a stone thrown into a
pool. You rippled for a while, then you
were gone. But Josiah knew he had a destiny,
and he also knew what it meant if he denied it. He had to keep going.
depressing thoughts prompted him to look over to the slight figure on the bed,
his hooded blue eyes searching her chest to ensure it was still rising and falling
with relative ease. She constantly told
him that her life would end soon, and the thought frightened him. Outside of Nathan, who was really more of an
acquaintance than a friend, she was all he had left.
breathed easily where she slept, her long, scraggly gray hair loose across her
face. Despite being several years
younger than he, his sister always appeared to him much older. It was as if she wore all the pains of the
world on her face, in every line, in every frown. She had told him that the rooks were coming for them both, but,
though she was sure it meant her death, she didn’t know that they meant the
same for him. Rooks are symbols of
death, yes, but they were also survivors.
Like the coyote, or the cockroach.
She told him this with that odd smile of hers, her top lip curling like
a drying rose petal away from her yellowing teeth, her bottom lip stretching to
compensate. It always made him want to
look away. Thank the gods her blindness
prevented her from seeing his reaction.
again, he turned blood shot eyes back to the dirt and rock street below, hoping
to see the sight of a richly clad Moor arrive on the back of a handsome
horse. They would need a healer for the
quest, and Nathan was the only one whom Josiah trusted. Beyond him, Josiah had no idea who Hannah
would choose, though she had agreed to the Moor easily enough. As if she had expected Josiah to recommend
him all along. Probably, the mage
thought, she had. After all, it was
what she did.
had had the sight.
leaned forward to rest an elbow on the sill, and tipped his arm up to catch his
wide jaw in his hand. Closing his eyes,
he thought back on what had brought he and his sister to this dreary, gray
place. Four Corners. It felt like the edge of the world, as
opposed to its center. It was here, she
had promised him, that they would find the seven men, the ones who would lead
the Four Kingdoms into the next age, whether for good or ill.
he opened his eyes again, he was no longer looking out at the wooden clapboard
sign on the clerk’s office opposite, but upon the world they had long ago left
behind. A long green meadow stretched away from him, filled with wildflowers
and a handful of sheep. A spring lamb
bounded around, looking vaguely for his mother, then mewing when it realized it
had lost her. A low mew in response
turned him round and running back to her.
To his left, he heard Hannah laughing at the sight.
were still children in this place, and his memory reminded him of the green
eyes his sister used to boast, as green as the meadow. Just like their mother’s, before she died
giving birth to her daughter. Hannah’s
black hair cascaded down her back, having fallen out of the tight bun their
father always made her wear. But father
was away this day, presiding over a marriage in town, so, for a few hours, they
could be free.
Freedom. A word with a meaning as illusory as
innocence, or purity, or perfection.
had died sometime after Josiah had run away from home, the young man refusing
to deny his proficiency with magic just to please the puritanical
preacher. He should never have left
Hannah there. For a time, he used to
write her, hoping she got the letters in which he explained why he had to run
away and leave her, but he never heard back.
one day, after he had finished his studies at the wizard’s school in Rhea and
was doing some work down in south Cathacus, he learned that his father had
died. A letter, anonymous, from someone at home found him, and he had reacted
tightly to the news. Part of him
mourned, part rejoiced, but mostly all he could think about was her. He thought, maybe, he could go home now,
find his sister, and make up for all those years of deserting her to the old
preacher’s care.
remembered that fall, traveling slowly through the lowland hills of northern
Cathacus to the old farm. Every mile
had seemed to strengthen the foreboding he felt, wondering how his sister had
fared without him. Enhanced vision,
allowing him to see the magical energy pulsing just that much more brightly in
the world about him, tricked him into thinking he saw only darkness ahead.
reaching the outskirts of the little town, he was greeted with hostility by the
townsfolk, his distinctively long face and broad shoulders making him instantly
recognizable. Without preamble, they
had asked him what it was he hoped to find here. When he said his sister, they had turned away in disgust. Only one woman, one who had been a friend to
them when small, stepped forward.
Hannah, she said, stayed with her now.
Wordlessly, Josiah had followed the woman, Natasha, to her home, and
into the small walled garden in back.
the garden, Natasha had pointed out an old woman to him, silently painting
figures on the back wall. He hadn’t
been able to see her face, but he remembered looking at the woman
confused. Who was she? Where was his sister? She would only be about thirty five by
now….This old woman with the silver straggly hair and hunched over posture could
not be her.
hearing his deep voice, the old woman turned around, and Josiah fell to his
knees. He knew that face, knew every
contour, so similar was it to that of their mother. Hannah gazed upon him with colorless eyes, rimmed with black and
red, their green long since hidden behind cataracts as thick as the nails on
his hand. Blind.
mad, Natasha whispered.
doesn’t know who she is anymore, Josiah.
Your father beat her viciously after you left, saying that he would not two
of his children turn against him.
Hannah became more and more wild, desperately trying to break free from
the preacher, but your desertion had ruined him. Everything she tried to do to get away just made him angrier, and
I wonder now if there weren't some madness in him as well. It might explain how
she fell into this state so easily.
When she became pregnant by a traveling salesman, your father burnt her
eyes out and beat the baby out of her.
The Hannah you knew died that day.
I took her in, did what I could but….
can’t take care of her anymore, Josiah.
I was the one who wrote you the letter.
While your father was still alive, I knew I couldn’t ask you to return,
but now, well, please. I can’t take
care of her anymore.
had listened to all this with the air of a dead man. He recalled nodding to Natasha, thanking her for her kindness.
I’ll take care of her now, he had said.
Then he walked over to Hannah and knelt down next to her. Despite her blindness, she had followed his
movements with her head, hearing every step.
He looked at the paintings on the wall, wondering how she could
paint. The colors were all mixed up,
but he thought he could make out seven figures, all painted with a different
color against a black background. Hannah
had smiled, and pointed to the one she had painted in white.
she said.
here, he replied softly, and I’ll never leave you again.
took her back to southern Cathacus with him, and took her to the only man he
thought might be able to help her, a healer who had the instincts of a
wizard. Most healers could only repair
the flesh, but Nathan Jackson was unusual.
He could do things most couldn’t, including having the talent to see
what ailed the mind. The Moor had
immediately agreed to help, and took them both into his wealthy home without a
second thought. After a couple of
years, Hannah had regained most of her faculties and was cognizant. She was
still blind, Nathan had said he could never do anything about that, the damage
too old and deep to fix, but she at least knew herself. She had her mind back.
was when he learnt she had the sight.
It was something he had always sensed that she had, just as he had
skills with magic, but, somehow, her blindness had augmented it. Unable to see the outside world, she could
dwell on the pictures in her head. At
first, they, he and Nathan, had continued to believe it was part of her
madness, until her foretellings started to unfold with keen accuracy. The worst was when she foretold the invasion. This was five years ago.
in ancient times, a series of Emperors ruled the Four Kingdoms as one Empire,
their tyrannical rule a time of desolation.
Much of the population existed in a state of ignorance and depravity,
plagued by disease and unhappiness.
Fear kept them docile under the Empire, for none was willing to
challenge what the ancients termed the Emperor’s “Divine Mandate.”
According to legend, the emperor commanded a power greater than any
wielded by any magic user, a power handed down in the bloodlines, which
promised certain annihilation to anyone who threatened him. Though he rarely used it, the threat of its
use was more than enough to keep all rebellions small and limited to guerilla
tactics. But the Mandate also had the
effect of driving its user to madness.
If he never used it, it would only poison his mind slowly, almost
imperceptibly, but once used, the madness grew exponentially. More often than not, the emperors’ each died
young, often killing themselves before all their sensibilities were gone, or
murdered by their firstborn. The
Mandate would then transfer from him upon his death to his firstborn or, if
none existed, to his killer.
last Emperor was Magnimus, a petty ruler whose reign was one of the darkest in
the centuries long history of the empire.
His firstborn was the princess Rhea, heralded as a violet-eyed beauty
with a wisdom far beyond her years. No
one knows why she did not heed the call of her blood -- the same temptation to
wield the Mandate for herself that had driven all her ancestors -- but somehow
she fought the madness. However, she
also knew she had to end her father’s reign.
was barely twenty when she rebelled against her father. With the help of her
two brothers, Barish and Tallus, and her younger sister, Danae, they murdered
their father at the height of his power.
The story, now read to children like a myth, went that the Emperor was
standing on his throne, his children gathered around him like sentinels. He wanted them to witness the death of the
man the Emperor deemed the scourge of his rule – Cathacus the wolf. This young man, a noble by birth, had spent
his entire life rebelling against the Emperor’s rule, instigating minor revolts
across the Dajan peninsula, until he was finally captured in the high mountain
pass town of the Mid Reaches.
their father had stepped off the throne to raise his sword and take the head of
Cathacus, Rhea stepped forward. She
asked him not to take the wolf’s head, to show mercy. The Emperor had turned to her with coal black eyes, his dark skin
glistening with the heat of the summer day.
With a raised eyebrow, he smiled at her, and moved the blade so that it
touched her neck just below the chin, forcing her to raise her head slightly to
get away.
should I do that? He asked her.
I ask you to, she replied, trying not to swallow with the blade at her throat.
is not enough, daughter. This man must
die, for me to live.
had smiled then, her full lips stretching into a leer.
father. If you don’t allow this man to
live, then you will die.
Emperor had frowned, and pressed the blade deeper into her throat, cutting a
thread of blood. You would kill me,
daughter? For the life of one man?
me, she replied, that you still have mercy in your soul. Show me that the
Mandate does not control you.
father had laughed, and pulled the sword away.
Mercy? He asked. For a killer? A
thief? A wolf? A traitor? No, daughter,
the only mercy I will show today is that I will not kill you for your
impertinence. At least, not today.
had closed her eyes at that statement, and backed away, back up to the
throne. Still laughing, her father
raised the sword once more, two handed, turning his back on his children.
if in a dream, Rhea drew the plain knife out from her sleeve and hurled it at
her father’s unprotected back. The emperor staggered, dropping his sword. Next to Rhea, Tallus pulled the knife from
his belt, and threw it to embed itself next to his sister’s. It landed in the Emperor’s side as he turned
around, his shocked eyes wide. Barish stepped forward next, and drove his
rapier into their father’s other side, causing the man to fall, his bloodied
hands gripping the metal of the rapier as if he could somehow will it
away. Danae, the youngest, barely
thirteen years old, walked right up to him, her eyes filled with tears.
baby, the Emperor whispered on his knees, don’t do this.
Danae shook her head. I’m sorry, she
whispered. And drove the stiletto into
his heart.
his death, so the story goes, Rhea absorbed the Mandate but immediately turned
around and handed most of it away. In
the end, all four children received a piece of their father’s power, four
distinct facets than became known as the four keys. Rhea, the oldest and strongest, took the power of Conviction.
Tallus took the power of Compassion.
Barish took the power of Truth.
And Danae took the power of Reason.
Then, the four separated the Dajan peninsula into four equal kingdoms,
named for each, except for Rhea. She
named her kingdom after the hero who had led to its creation – Cathacus. But her people wanted her honored, and the
capital city, which had once been the Emperor’s throne, took her name, as did
the lake upon which it rests, and the mighty river that created it.
time, this story had faded from history, turned into a fable. Though magic still exists in the Four
Kingdoms, no one has ever seen any King or Queen wield any of the four keys,
though their thrones are marked with the symbols of each. Magic has been relegated to the mages and
healers, not the rulers.
the death of the Emperor, a balance was reached among the Four Kingdoms, and
enlightenment came with the end of the dark.
Kings and Queens began to rule with their lords, not merely over them,
and institutions based on the rule of law flourished. Education was encouraged in all arts, and, though it took many
years, the peace brought an economic prosperity never before known. In the last eight hundred years, very little
had occurred to mar the Four Kingdoms, and the civilization was growing
steadily into something amazing.
because a people are enlightened, though, does not mean that the passions of
greed and anger fade. Every soul knows
how to breathe both love and hate, say the Danaerians, it just depends on the
mix. And sometimes, indeed, often
times, the evil wins out. It is only
when it invades and wins over the soul of a king that people must truly
Hannah had seen the King of Danaeria turn.
had held her in her arms as she cried out, swearing that she could see the
darkness filling the Danaerian king like a disease, infesting his bones and
flesh and energy. The power of Reason
had been twisted into something cold, she told her brother, and it would be
used again to break down the balance of the Kingdoms.
had begged Josiah to take her away, to take her to Four Corners. It was the only place to be safe. She didn’t want to be here when The
Danaerian king came.
years ago. Five years hidden in this
small town on top of the world, watching as Hannah’s dreams came to
Danaerian king, King Farron, had indeed invaded Cathacus that same year. Queen Kinya, on her throne in Rhea, had been
completely taken unawares. There was no warning of his intentions, he simply
rolled into the capital one day, ostensibly to celebrate the Rhean Harvest
Festival, and had his troops take over.
He murdered her and her family in her own throne room.
the same day, a contingent of Danaerian troops crossed the Tham Pass in the
High Reaches and invaded Brishnia. With
Cathacus under his control, Farron, now Emperor Farron, had the combined power
of two kingdoms with which to take the Brishnian capital, Adenn. The Brishnians fought well, but, even with
supplies from Tilluria, Adenn fell in a matter of a few months.
of course, the Emperor arrived in time to murder the Brishnian royal family,
including burning down Adenn castle. No
one survived. The magic that founded
them became his to wield.
he turned his eyes on Tilluria. The
last Kingdom. While Brishnia had been
attacked, the Tillurians took the opportunity to prepare for the invasion they
now knew was coming. It was part of the
reason they hadn’t been more supportive when Adenn called for help. They had themselves to worry about. The Queen in Tallus, Queen Selene the
second, sent out the call to all the people of the Four Kingdoms to join the
Tillurian fight, and many had answered the call. But it was not enough.
Four long years later, Tallus and its Queen were on the brink of
Selene had never put much stock in the magical arts, or legends, but desperate
times forced her to do something she thought she never would. She consulted an Oracle. Only a small handful of Oracles still lived
in the Dajan, most having been killed long before they could grow into
adulthood because of the danger they represented. Oracles were those with the sight, the ability to see the
future. Not everything they saw came
true, because, of course, the future is not set, but, somehow, they can guess
at what will occur, because Oracles can see into the hearts and minds of the
people. The Queen knew that one lived
in her city, a young boy hidden from the troops by his parents. For some reason, she hadn’t had him killed
when she first learned of him. Now, she
knew why.
boy had been trembling when she brought him before her, and swore an oath of
fealty that caused the Queen to frown.
It had sounded like a prayer for the dead. She had sequestered him in a room and asked him if he knew what
could save them. He’d blinked at her
with dark brown eyes, tears rolling down his face. He didn’t know. All ahead
was a blur.
there must be something you can give me, she’d begged. There must be a way to stop Farron. The Kingdoms cannot descend back into the
dark ages again. Please.
boy covered his face, hiding his fear from her. Finally, he looked up, his white teeth worrying at his lower lip. His eyes, however, were clear.
is a scout in your army, he told her, his name is Vin Tanner. Send him to Four Corners. If Farron is to be stopped, it will begin
there, with him. Him and six
others. Tell him to seek….he’d paused
then, and rubbed his head. I’m not
sure, he stuttered. I can see them –
seven figures painted on a wall by a woman with silver hair. A leader will bind them, and Farron will
fear them. But whether they will
succeed…that I can not see.
stopped then, and began to cry again.
Selene drew him close and rocked him, begging the child not to
worry. She would send for this Vin
Tanner, tell him to seek their future in the Four Corners Pass.
the boy stopped crying. The woman, he
said. Tell him to trust the woman with
no eyes.
this, Hannah had seen, as if she had been in the room with them. Josiah knew that the scout was coming, and
that he would be one of the seven. His
sister had sworn to it, had seen the scout travel the war ravaged Kingdom of Tilluria
to come here, his only thought to find the woman with no eyes.
vision cleared, and he focused back on the present. The sky outside was still a
heavy gray, but the clouds were moving swiftly enough across the rooftops to occasionally
reveal the huge granite mountains that surrounded them. There was even a
lightening to the atmosphere that promised the sun might come out later. It was nearly noon, and time for lunch. Nathan was supposed to be here
heavily, Josiah favored his sister with one more look, then stood to leave the
small attic room. Stretching, he meant
to look once more outside to see if Potter’s Mercantile was open so he could
get some provisions. Instead, his eyes
caught a figure slipping across the roofs opposite, a man who just minutes
before had been invisible due to the fog.
was dressed all in black, including a black mask across his mouth and nose, and
was crawling across the tiles of the hotel like a cat. Across his back was a satchel, looking fat
with goods. The man stopped, as if he
could sense he was being watched.
Looking around, the stranger scanned the road below from a crouched
position, then looked up. When he saw
Josiah staring at him open-mouthed from the window opposite, the man, young,
with startlingly bright green eyes, tilted his head, and saluted him.
took a step back, unsure what to do about this discovery. The man was obviously a thief, but, for some
reason, Josiah found himself hesitating to call out and stop him. Then, just as he made the decision to raise
the cry, the fog descended again, and the man disappeared into the mists. When it cleared again, the figure was gone. If he was ever there.
Shaking his head, Josiah scanned the rooftops for another minute, then turned to exit the room.
was closer to mid afternoon when the threesome finally rolled into Four
Corners, exhausted but thankful that no one else had seen fit to block their
path. Nathan, unused to so many hours
on horseback, dismounted and staggered a few feet, before catching himself on
the dark sorrel’s saddle.
smiled at the man’s discomfort, and leapt from Winchester with ease. The man in black, the scout noted, did the
same. A couple of stable boys ran up,
asking if they could take the horses.
Nathan nodded gratefully, pulling his saddlebags and single fat
carpetbag from off his rented mare’s back.
He gave each child a silver coin, and promised more if they oiled his
saddle for him as well.
and Chris, on the other hand, chose to stable their own horses, so followed the
boys to the livery. They bid farewell
to the healer, promising to see him later in Inez’s tavern. When Nathan yelled after them that he didn’t
know where that was, they just favored him with small smiles.
will soon, they said together.
to his own devices, Nathan sighed, threw the saddlebags over his shoulder, and
appraised the town, the carpetbag gripped by both hands in front of him. He tapped his knees against the cloth
carry-all so that it bounced against his legs, a strange nervousness needling
at his chest.
wasn’t much to this town, but then, what did he expect up here? Four Corners was made mostly of wood and
stone, with a single main street. A
couple of extra dirt roads exited off the main, but they clearly faded into
nothing after a few yards. The
buildings were mostly two story, though some reached three floors and most
looked to have attics. Only one hotel
existed here, although there was also a hostel, a small inn and a boarding
house called Victoria’s. He guessed
that most of the stores also boasted room to rent, as well as, of course, the
one public house. Seeing the flapping
sign that proclaimed itself to be Inez’s Tavern he understood what Chris and
Vin had meant by that small smile. You
couldn’t get lost in a town this small.
some moisture from his forehead, he shrugged his broad shoulders, adjusting the
heavy saddlebags, and headed for the hotel.
After securing himself a room, he’d go to get some lunch at Inez’s and
wait for Josiah to contact him. It
seemed as good a place as any.
him, on the roof, a silent black-clad figure watched the richly clad Moor enter
the hotel, a crooked grin on his face beneath the mask. Perhaps this forced layover in Four Corners
wouldn’t be so fruitless after all, the thief mused, patting the bag on his
back. What Josiah had perceived as
full, the thief felt to be half empty.
he recalled the two soldier-like men the rich Moor had arrived with, wondering
if they had come together, and if he might want to avoid anything that might cause
him to earn their wrath. He decided a
little bit of spying might be necessary.
Straightening his shoulders beneath the heavy black pack, he looked
across at the livery and nearby tavern and quickly plotted the most efficient
means to get across the single street without being seen.
Inez’s Tavern, the greasy smoke from the cheap candles and ancient oil lamps
lay thickly over the room, blackening the white painted ceiling between the
dark timbers holding it up. Bent low,
the customers all nursed their drinks gloomily at this early hour, most
bemoaning the fact that they were without commissions this week up at the
mines. One man, however, a mercenary
sporting only a few streaks of gray in his nearly black hair and long
moustache, was one of the few travelers visiting the wet burg, awaiting his
oldest friend and wondering at his late arrival.
did not often get together anymore, what with the war against Farron keeping
them both busy, but Chris had wanted a meeting to measure the progress of the
underground guerilla movement that the moustached man ran. With a slow exhale, he brought the beer to
his lips and followed the movements of the beautiful owner as she sashayed
around the room, lazily wiping the froth from his moustache with the back of
his hand as he did so. As such, he did
not notice the stable boy that pushed open the outer doors, scanned the room,
and then made a quick beeline for his table.
Bucklin Wilmington?” The young voice challenged. “My name is JD Dunne and I have come to offer you my services as
your squire!”
drink that Captain Bucklin “Buck” Wilmington had been halfway through downing
spewed from his lips like a geyser. Turning startled blue eyes up at the
speaker, all he could think to say was, “Say what?”
said,” the boy replied, brushing long, loose, black hair away from his face,
“that my name is JD Dunne, sir, Captain, sir, and…”
what I thought you said, kid,” Buck nodded, interrupting him. “How in the name of holy hell did you find
out who I am?”
you kidding? You’re the talk of the
town, Sir Wilmington, sir. Or is it
Captain Wilmington? I had a bit of a
fight with one of the stable boys about that.
He seems to think that, since Brishnia fell, and since you ain’t the
Captain of the Guard there anymore that you are no longer a Captain, but well,
I told him he was full of crap. Don’t
mean your just a knight now, right? I
mean, Colonel Matheson, who used to be a Colonel in the Tillurian army before
coming here to buy the Matheson Mines, well, he ain’t a colonel no more but
everyone still calls him…”
kid!” Buck waved his arms in front of
him, trying to quiet the rambling boy.
“By the Gods, do you always talk this much?”
I’m sorry, sir, but….”
no, no, no more,” Buck shook his head, and wiped some of the beer spittle from
his thick black moustache, smoothing it down in an obviously habitual
move. “Okay. In ten words or less, how does everyone know who I am?”
words? Um….” The young man scrunched up
his face, pushing back his dark brown felt cap in order to scratch at his
head. Large brown eyes sought the
ceiling as he mentally counted his words, the innocence in them matched by the
unlined face. After a few minutes of watching
the lad squirm and his lips and fingers soundlessly counting, Buck rolled his
kid. Forget the word limit, just tell
me what you know.”
smiled brightly, his youthful enthusiasm pouring out him with a fervor Buck
rarely saw these days. Pulling his hat
back down, the young man sat down opposite Buck at the small table and leaned
forward conspiratorially.
see, couple of the miners in town used to be guards in Brishnia, you know? Said they would know your arrogant swagger anywhere. Anyway, the story kind of spread, you
know? And me being a stable boy and
all, well, you get to hear a lot of rumors….”
nodded, and sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. “Wonderful.
Chris is going to kill me.”
“Chris?” JD perked up again, causing Buck to give him
the fisheye. The boy practically shone
with the aura of helpfulness.
know something else, kid?”
nodded, eager to please. “Yeah, A
couple of guys rolled into town an hour ago, one of ‘em was called Chris.”
frowned. “Dressed all in black?”
yeah, that’s him. Had a broadsword on
his hip and the fattest black horse I’ve ever seen. That beast must be incredible to ride!” His eyes took on a slightly far away quality, and Buck sneered.
trust me kid, that horse isn’t for the likes of you. He’ll throw you off soon as look at you. Especially if you approach wearing that
hat!” He pointed lazily at the brown,
oddly shaped, rounded cap sitting atop the boy’s head. It seemed more like a jester’s hat than that
of a stable boy. Buck grinned as JD’s
hands instinctively went up to touch the contraption defensively. A look very similar to a sulk crossed the
boy’s face.
that supposed to mean? First of all, I’ll have you know that this hat is the
latest style out of Rhea, so the tailor says.
Second of all, for your information, Captain, I am the best rider in
Four Corners. No one can beat me in a
race. I got skills with a horse I bet
would put even you to shame. Certainly
that gray quarter horse you ride ain’t no match for my new bay. ”
gotta a horse, son?” Buck replied, his
lips curving into a cold leer as he finished off his beer and stood to
leave. “Well, good for you. Perhaps you and your hat should consider
getting on it and out of my sight before I decide to take that smart remark
about Beavis out of your hide.”
a nod, the Captain left the table and walked out of the tavern, leaving a
slightly bemused kid in his wake. Then
the young man’s face took on a determined frown and he got up to follow the
tall soldier out the door.
scanned the muddy street, looking for his best friend. Chris would be staying at the Virginia’s
Boarding House, as was customary, but he might have decided to go visit Mary at
the Clerk’s office first. He stepped a
bit further out into the street, when someone’s yell caught his attention. Looking around, he suddenly found himself
shoved forward with a great deal of force.
He was about to turn and yell at his assailant when he saw the large
chunk of roof lying in the space he had so recently occupied.
okay, Captain?” a young, slightly shaky voice asked. Buck turned to look upon his savior, surprised to see the kid
sitting on the ground next to him, panting heavily. The kid flashed him a grin.
thing I decided to follow you, huh?”
full well that the roof could have killed him sparked a seed of fear in the
older man, then his anger at the stupidity of the situation made him lash out
at the only person nearby to take it.
you out of you mind, boy? You could
have got yourself killed, then what would I tell your mother, huh?”
eyes widened, “I ain’t got no….”
was a damn foolish thing to do! What iffin I’d thought to pull my knife on you before
I realized what had happened? And did
you have to push me so hard into the ground that you nearly knocked all my
teeth out? These teeth ain’t young,
kid, and I prefer ‘em all in one piece!
What kind of luck would I have with the ladies without them, huh?”
somewhere behind the two sprawled figures, a deep voice rang through the
street, “Wouldn’t matter much, Buck. You’re mug is already so ugly that I don’t
think anyone would notice.”
spun around, jumping to his feet quickly, a huge grin spreading across his
handsome features.
Buck,” Chris said, leaning heavily on one hip, his face clearly amused. “Did I
interrupt something?”
Buck exclaimed huskily, reaching out to embrace the other man in a huge bear
hug. “You old war dog! Gods, it’s good
to see you! How’re you doing?” Chris
just stood stock still, accepting the hug but refusing to return the affection.
Big fella,” Chris replied his voice a bit strained, “folks’ll talk.” Buck
laughed heartily and let the man go.
here to see Mary and Billy?” Buck
asked, stepping back to brush some of the mud from his clothes. It was something of a lost cause, but didn’t
matter much since the color Buck chose to wore these days was as close to mud
as one could get. Well, except for the
bright red bandanna he wore around his throat.
nodded, and looked over at the kid.
Behind Buck, the kid had also gotten to his feet, and was now blinking
curiously at the man in black as he brushed the dirt from his breeches. JD stood about five foot eight, and was
maybe twenty years old, not young, but no where near old enough to be hanging
about in bars yet. His clothes marked him as a native, dressed like a stable
boy in mostly brown, but wearing a rather silly looking brown cap that made the
kid seem younger than he was.
return, the kid stared at Chris with an odd expression, almost akin to
awe. Then the young man’s eyes darted
to look at the long haired man standing behind the man in black, the one that
had come in with him earlier. He looked
like a tracker, or a scout. Vin was
staring up at the roof, clearly curious as to why it had fallen, his face
registering annoyance because he couldn’t discern the cause.
noticed the new man at the same time, and raised an eyebrow. “He with you?” he asked curiously, nodding
at the scout. Vin looked away from the
roof to look at Buck.
Chris answered. “The kid with you?”
wheeled around to look at JD, and his eyes smoldered. “Not in this
lifetime. Git along, boy, before I
start to get really angry.”
mouth opened, and he looked from Chris to Buck and back to Chris. “I want to be his squire,” he told the man
in black. For some reason, JD could sense
that this Chris person had some kind of authority over the Captain. Chris raised an eyebrow.
tell you no?”
yeah, but, I mean, aren’t knights supposed to have a squire? And, well, Captain Wilmington here, he looks
like he really needs one,” JD pleaded.
In the background, Buck’s face blanched slightly. Chris turned steely eyes to bear on his old
knows who you are?” he asked coldly.
are some guardsmen here in town, apparently.
They recognized me. They might
recognize you too…” Buck trailed off, grimacing.
Chris muttered. “Guess that means a
short stay.”
shared a puzzled look with the long haired man standing behind Chris, then
looked back at the Captain.
was tilting his head to the side and rubbing his neck. “Well, whatever. You going to go see ‘em now?”
“Yeah. I’ll meet you at Inez’s later. Vin,” he turned to look at the Tillurian
scout, “thanks for watching my back.
I’ll see you later.” With a nod,
the blond mercenary walked off, making a beeline for the Clerk’s office, his
eyes glancing at the clapboard sign that proclaimed M. Travis as the head
sighed heavily and looked at Vin. He
smiled good-naturedly. “Buy you a
drink, scout?”
was watching Chris walk away, then looked back at Buck. “Sounds ideal,” he smiled in return.
Together, they walked back into the pub, ignoring the rubble that still marked
the entrance. Behind them, JD just
stood there, unsure now of what to do.
Sputtering a swear under his breath as he realized that he still hadn’t
got anywhere with the Captain at that moment, he stomped off in the direction
of the stables.
the roof above them, the thief was lying against the tiles, panting slightly,
staring up at the blanket gray sky. How
could he have been so clumsy? He’d
nearly killed that man by trying to get too close. He’d sorely misjudged the quality of the tavern roof. But at least he’d learned something. Captain Buck Wilmington, former Captain of
the King’s Guard in Brishnia before its fall to Farron. And the man in black, the one dressed as a
mercenary….no mere mercenary spoke to a Captain that way. The air of authority
gave him away, as well as the black war horse he rode in on. Chris.
Otherwise known as Sir Christran de Larabee – the Brishnian
Paladin. He was the King’s personal
champion, and if he were here, then perhaps the rumor about the missing prince
was true.
had heard the hopeful tale, the one that described a hero on a black steed
barreling away from the burning castle in Adenn, the three year old Prince
William ensconced in his arms. Most
thought it was just the imagination of some who refused to believe that their
beloved King had died, but if this Chris were the Brishnian Paladin, well
and Billy, huh? The thief’s smile
broadened, dimples bright on his face.
Might that be Princess Miriam, the King’s sister? And could Billy be a certain royal nephew?
now, the roof debacle forgotten, the thief shook his head in amazement. This day was just getting better and better.
looked up from the papers she was scanning as Chris walked in, the customary
smudges of ink on her face making her seem even more beautiful than when he
last saw her. When her clear blue eyes
met his, her whole face lit up.
thank heavens, Chris,” she breathed, coming around the desk to greet him. He offered her a slight bow, and she let him
kiss her hand. Allowing herself a small
laugh, she smiled, “I’ve almost forgotten what that felt like.”
are you, highness?” Chris asked.
Chris, I’ve asked you before to stop calling me that,” she admonished, drawing
a strand of light blond hair out of her face with a shaky hand. Then her expression quieted. “Any news?”
shook his head. “Tilluria still stands,
but not for long. I’ve spent the last
few months helping them as best I can, but most of the mages are dead, and more
are defecting. The lure of Farron’s
magic draws them like flies. Fact is,
the people tire of the fight, Mary.
They want this over, one way or another. I don’t think they care
anymore. They don’t know what Selene’s
death will mean at Farron’s hands.”
shut her eyes, and sighed. “I thought
as much. I guess, then, I should get
used to calling William by his new name.
Not that he really remembers his past anymore. Speaking of which,” She smiled at him again, then turned her head
to shout out the back. “Billy! Chris is here!”
loud whoop of excitement rang through the house, and an eight year old terror
exploded into the room, screaming Chris’s name over and over again. His face splitting into a grin for the third
time that day, the Paladin quickly scooped up the boy into his arms and hugged
him fiercely.
my boy?” Chris asked, spinning Billy around.
Gods, the man thought as he listened to the boy’s rapid fire reply, how
I never want to let you go.
sun was well below the horizon when Chris finally emerged from the clerk’s
office and looked up at the unusually clear sky. It wasn’t often you saw the stars in this perpetually wet place,
but there they were, glistening without a care in the world. The moon was half full, and smiling down at
the word. The Paladin’s heart and
stomach were full from the dinner he’d had with his “family,” and now he was
looking forward to a few drinks at Inez’s.
then, a familiar pair of voices cut through the calm, and he looked down the
street to see Buck and the kid he’d been with earlier arguing again. With an amused smirk, he silently made his
way over so that he could listen to them.
saved your life twice now, Captain, TWICE!”
JD stuck two fingers in the tall man’s face, and watched as Buck shoved
them away.
hardly call smashing a perfectly good bottle of whiskey over the head of an
irate drunk saving my life kid,” Buck groused.
“All you did was ruin perfectly good alcohol, and, more to the point,
Inez made me, ME, pay for it!”
don’t give me that. I heard Jed there
say he was going to kill you for what you did to his wife, saying you made a
pass at her…”
what I do with other men’s wives ain’t none of your business.”
no one else was going to stick up for you.
They say you’re a real ladies man, Captain,” the mocking tone the kid
was now laying on the title was not lost on Buck, but JD wasn’t even close to
finishing, “and I heard some guys say they might run you out of town soon
because of all your galla…galla…”
“gallivanting?” A quiet voice drawled from the alleyway
behind them. Both men turned to seek
the source of the voice, but the speaker was well hidden. Buck frowned as he tried to see the
invisible man, but JD was nodding brightly.
gallivanting. So when I saw Jed in
there, threatening you, and reaching for his dagger, well, I figure I had no
dark blue eyes were now turned back squarely on JD again, the mysterious voice
forgotten. “No choice? Could you at least have used a less
expensive form of whiskey?”
greeted this statement, and this time Buck easily discerned the source. Chris was leaning against a boardwalk post a
little ways up the street behind JD, watching them with great amusement. Unable to stop himself, Buck found himself
smiling in return. He hadn’t seen
Chris looking this happy in a long time.
say you ought to thank the kid, Buck,” Chris said. Buck forced a scowl, but found it increasingly difficult to
maintain his anger. He looked back at
JD, who appeared very smug. Chris
continued, “Maybe he’s right, maybe you should have squire.”
don’t need no squire, Chris,” Buck argued.
“Hell, I haven’t had one in years.”
sighed, putting his hands on his hips like a fishwife. “Well, hell, that’s cause you used to have a
whole guard at your back, Buck. But
they’re all gone now, just another part of Farron’s army…” JD stopped, it
suddenly occurring to him that what he’d just said may not have been the best
way to keep the jocular mood intact.
Indeed, both the Captain and the mercenary’s faces had clouded over at
the statement.
jeez, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like
kid,” Buck said, his face softening, “for once, you make sense. But I still think you’re too young for what
I do.”
older than I look,” JD interrupted. It
was true. Most people thought he was
maybe seventeen or, at most, eighteen, not the twenty two that marked him.
frowned. “Yeah, maybe, but, look, my life…it isn’t pretty, you know? Most of it is spent wallowing in mud up to
my ears while snaking up on enemy positions.
I exist on the losing side of an ugly battle now, kid. I’ll probably die
before this is all over. Is that want
you want for yourself?”
shut his mouth, his brown eyes watching Buck’s face with great concentration,
as if he were memorizing the straight jaw, sharp blue eyes, dark hair and even
darker moustache. Buck really wasn’t
that much older than him, maybe thirty eight or so, but he had that air of
experience that JD so badly wanted to have.
Finally the kid shrugged.
not on the losing side, Buck. You’re on
the right side. That can’t ever lose.”
shifted to stand up straight and came to stand by Buck, his hands gripping his
sword belt. He looked at Buck, then at
the kid.
want to die young, kid?” Chris asked solemnly, no hint of a smile on his face
anymore. “Then, go ahead. Buck here ain’t gonna stop you.”
looked at Buck for confirmation, seeing a seriousness on the ladies man’s face
that he had never seen before. “That
didn’t respond for a moment watching Chris, then nodded. “Sure kid,” he paused and stepped back, his
eyes narrowing, “You can be my squire.
But first,” a wicked grin suddenly lit upon the older man’s features,
“you really got to get rid of that damn, stupid hat!”
What’s wrong with my hat?” JD demanded, his hands instantly moving to grab hold
of the felt cap. But he wasn’t quick
enough. Buck snatched it from off his
head and flung it down the street towards the pub.
JD yelled, running after it, “What was that for?”
get a hair cut, kid! You got more hair
covering your eyes than an old sheepdog!” Buck called after him. JD ran back almost immediately upon
retrieving his hat, smashing it on his head with great aplomb. When Buck reached for it again, the kid
ducked and threw the bit of mud he’d scooped up when he’d gotten the hat to smack
Buck square in the chest. The Captain
bellowed in anger, and JD took off, laughing and screaming “this guy’s
crazy!” Buck took off after him,
reaching down to scoop a good handful of mud for himself to throw.
was still grinning as they disappeared around a building, then stopped as he
realized he could hear someone else laughing.
Looking quickly to his left at the dark alleyway, he saw a young man
leaning his shoulder casually against the building. He must have been the one who had offered JD the word
“gallivanting.” Head to toe in black
except for a short silver dagger at his waist, the man stared guilelessly back
at mercenary, his frosty green eyes distinct above the black mask across his
mouth, his laughter ending upon being seen.
When Chris frowned at him, the interloper blinked slowly, then backed
away into the shadows, effectively disappearing.
Paladin took a few steps forward, planning to follow him, but when he reached
the head of the moonlit alleyway, he found it empty. Frowning even more now, Chris shook his head in annoyance before
spinning around and heading over to the pub.
thief watched him leave, wondering why no one ever thought to look up, and
dropped from his precarious perch on the windowsill on the second floor of the
building. Brushing some splinters from his clothes, he too ghosted his way
across to the pub, planning on entering by the back door, and looking forward
to a night of riches. Literally.
stench of spilled beer, old tobacco and sweat assaulted Chris’s senses
immediately upon entering the full room, and he had to blink to get used to the
diffuse light after the clarity of the moonlight. After a moment, he started to look around, his eyes looking
for…he stopped himself. An empty table,
of course, that was what he always looked for.
Why then did he find himself expecting to hear…
Vin Tanner’s voice cut through the smoke, and the paladin found himself smiling
slightly as he sought out its origin.
“Chris, over here,” the voice called again. This time, the Tillurian scout was obvious, standing off to the
left at a fairly large rectangular table set against the wall. The man had
chosen a booth, and currently shared it with a giant of a man with graying
curly hair. The large man nodded at him
and raised a glass.
knowing him, Chris hesitated, until he saw Inez weaving her way towards the
table with a bottle of whiskey and shot glass in hand. She raised them in his direction to indicate
that they were for him, then set them on the table.
argue with a woman,” Chris muttered to himself before heading across to join
the scout. Vin smirked, said something
to Josiah, and sat down again just as Chris slid into the booth.
Larabee of Brishnia, this is Josiah Sanchez of Cathacus. He’s the one Nathan came here to meet,” Vin
stated, nodding at the older man before looking back at the mercenary. “Nathan
himself just left to go and change his clothes to something ‘more suitable.’”
offered his hand to Chris, and tilted his head slightly as if he were
appraising the mercenary. Chris took
the hand quietly.
good to finally meet you, sir,” Josiah said in his deep voice, “I’ve often seen
you in town visiting Mrs. Travis and her son.
Are you her…” he paused, raising his eyebrows silently.
Chris lied easily, the old story having rolled off his tongue so often in the
last four years that it even felt like the truth. “She moved here after marrying Stephen Travis, and I’ve taken to
visiting her as often as I can now that her husband has passed on.”
nodded, accepting this, and looked to Vin.
“Nathan told me that you and Mr. Tanner here saved my best friend’s life
this day. For that I am eternally
place, right time, Mr. Sanchez,” Chris said dismissively, pouring himself
another drink. “So Vin,” he asked,
swirling the heavy liquid around in the speckled glass, “have you found the
woman you were looking for?”
scout looked a bit disconcerted for a moment, his brow furrowing in annoyance
that the mercenary should bring that up in front of a stranger. “I’m afraid I have nothing as yet to report,
Chris,” he frowned.
are you looking for, son?” Josiah asked quietly, causing Vin to frown even more
deeply. The scout’s jaw tensed, as he
considered his options. He knew well
that at some point he would start having to ask around for the lady with no
eyes, but the idea of it hadn’t seemed so ridiculous before he’d actually
arrived in town. How does one keep
attention from oneself, as he was supposed to, if he had to ask as odd a
question as that?
his lips, he glanced askance at Chris, then back to Josiah. Well, he thought sourly, I have to start
this may seem strange, but I’m here looking for someone,” Vin paused, weighing
his next words.
mage interrupted him with a raised hand, his eyes narrowing slightly as he
shared the younger man’s frown. “You are looking for the woman with no eyes.”
nearly dropped his drink, and Vin could only stare. “How did….Did Nathan tell you?” the scout stuttered.
shook his head. “No,” he looked at the table, then back at the scout. He opened his mouth to explain, but was
rudely interrupted as the door to the pub slammed open with great ferocity,
revealing the Moor standing there with fire in his eyes. Nathan scanned the room until he caught the
serving wench’s eye and indicated he needed a drink. Inez nodded slowly, her face not hiding her displeasure at his
treatment of the door.
is the law in this town!” Nathan yelled out to the gathered room. “I was told
he was here, and I demand he make himself known this instant!”
thick assortment of people in the room quieted at the imperious tone, and looked
at each other with bemusement. After a
moment, a single man stood, a dirty hand scratching the scruff on his face.
uh, we don’t got no law here, sir. The
constable lit out of here last week, when some bandits attacked a group of
refugees on the outskirts and threatened his wife if he did anything.” The peasant smiled crookedly, then sat down
the door, Nathan stood aghast, every self righteous bone in his body reacting
with utter astonishment to the idea that a place could have no law. How do people exist without some kind of
authority to keep them in line?
the Moor’s predicament, Josiah excused himself from Chris and Vin, promising he
would explain himself soon. Both mercenary and scout nodded, and watched as the
mage made his way across to his friend.
shook himself angrily, and grimaced.
Somebody yelled at him to shut the door, but he merely ignored the
harassment. He was about to turn around
and head back to the hotel when he felt a familiar heavy hand on his shoulder.
the matter, brother Nathan?” the quiet voice asked.
healer sighed, and wiped a tired hand across his face. “Josiah,” he muttered.
join our friends at the table. Perhaps they can help you?”
across, Nathan saw that Josiah was indicating the two men that had helped him
with the bandits on the way here.
Without any other recourse, he nodded and followed the mage back to the
booth, ignoring the glares he received since he still hadn’t shut the
door. He pulled the beautiful blue silk
scarf he had loosely covering his coarse black hair from off his head, and
wrapped it about his neck as he sat down.
and Vin merely looked at each other, somewhat lost for words at this moment,
though they both nodded weakly at the healer in hello. Josiah broke the silence by asking the Moor
what the matter was.
his neck, Nathan frowned, “Someone broke into my room at the hotel. Took most of my money and half my
jewels. Left me only enough to pay my
rooms for the week and get back to Cathacus.”
from his reverie, Vin allowed what Nathan said to sink in, and his face bunched
up in puzzlement. “Did you say he
actually left you something? He didn’t
take it all? What…did you have stuff
hidden someplace, or something?”
shook his head, not understanding the question. “No. Whoever the thief was, he just didn’t take it all.” He shrugged.
thief,” Chris remarked offhandedly.
THIEF?” Nathan retorted, his eyes wide.
“That’s practically an oxymoron!
There is no such thing, and, frankly, I do not plan on giving the
bastard any mercy when I found out who he is.”
He rubbed his hands together and gripped them into fists. “And find him
I shall.”
a Cathacun for you,” Vin said, his lips curving into a smile, “one track
minds. Get an idea in their heads and…”
right!” Nathan concurred. “No one
violates my things and gets away with it.
No one.”
Josiah said calmly, reaching over to take one of the man’s fists. Nathan jerked his hand away.
don’t you dare ‘Nathan,’ me in that ‘calm down’ voice of yours, Josiah. I came here on your bidding, without any
real clue as to why, only that you said you needed me. I have endured long days in the saddle, a
horrific existence I can tell you, terrible weather, bandits, bigotry, and now
thievery. If you do not explain to me
right now why in the name of all that is sacred you have dragged me to this god
forsaken hole in the wall, I swear I…I…,” he grimaced, “well, I’ll do
something! And…and you won’t like it,
believe you me! No, no, you won’t like
it, not at all.”
blue eyes had widened slightly under this onslaught, but the final few
sentences threw him. He smiled, unable
to control himself, then started to laugh.
Nathan watched him for a second, his lips twitching uncontrollably as he
attempted to avoid joining in the mirth.
Across the table, Vin was grinning openly, while Chris smirked into his
whiskey glass.
isn’t funny Josiah!” Nathan said, raising his hand to cover the smile on his
Nathan, you do my heart well!” Josiah laughed, pounding a large hand on the
Moor’s back.
find the thief,” Nathan retorted, trying to remind himself of the anger that
had so recently fueled him, but it was quickly waning.
was still smirking as he looked around the room, allowing the jovial atmosphere
wash over him serenely. Then his smirk
fell as he caught a flash of red on the stairs. Leaning forward, he narrowed his gaze, trying to discern what it
was. It didn’t take long.
young man, maybe thirty years old, descended the stairs slowly, resplendent in
the finery usually restricted to those of noble birth. He wore a burgundy red long-sleeved tunic
marked with gold and silver filigree patterns across the chest and arms that
hung almost down to his knees. A long
rapier was tied to his waist, and a dagger with a gold hilt hung from one
hip. Ruffled cuffs of a soft looking
chemise were visible sticking out from the tunics sleeves, and its loose collar
was visible above the neckline of the tunic, marked with more silver
thread. Pinned to right shoulder was a
gold clasp that held a long, rich looking dark red cape in place across his
shoulders. His legs were clad in a pair
of slim fitting wool breeches, blue almost black in color, and black boots
completed the ensemble. Whoever he was,
this man did not lack for clothes or style.
was straightening his cuffs as he slowly made his way down the stairs, his dark
hair hiding his face from the room as he examined his sleeves. Inez sidled over to ask him something, and
Chris saw the new man nod, a large dimpled smile creasing his face. In response, she tilted her head
flirtatiously, nodded and walked away.
Then the man looked up, and Chris flinched. The same damn green eyes from the alleyway, looking through him
as much as at him.
noticed Chris’s attention had wandered, and he too looked over to the stairs,
following his friend’s gaze. He frowned
at the sight of the nobleman, likely dispossessed by the Emperor if he was
living here, but didn’t understand what it was about him that interested the
know him?” he asked, bringing the other two men’s attention to the brightly
dressed gentleman as well.
“I saw
him outside. At least, I think I did.”
Chris shook his head, trying to reconcile the black-clad shadow in the
alleyway with this brightly dressed newcomer.
Maybe he was wrong. In fact, the
more he looked at the young man, the less Chris thought it was the same
man. “Its probably nothing.”
like a fop,” Nathan groused. Josiah
just shook his head, and turned his attention back to the bottle of whiskey on
the table. Vin tapped Chris’s arm, and
gave him a questioning look. What’s
wrong, he was asking silently. The
mercenary shrugged in reply, and took another sip of his drink.
man in red looked over once at the table, and straightened his shoulders as he
casually drew the edge of the cape over one arm. The Brishnian paladin, a Tillurian scout, a Cathacun mage and a
rich healer…a strange group, the thief mused. Pulling out the cards from a
hidden pocket inside his red tunic, he casually shuffled them and leaned
against the back wall near the bar. The
thief had already decided to whom he would sell the information about the
missing Prince William, but, perhaps there might be even more to glean from
this night. If these men were together
to from a plan of attack on the emperor, then any information he might be able
to wheedle from them could be very valuable…when sold to the right bidder. Unconsciously, he sprayed the cards fluidly
from his right hand to his left, his mind working the possible means by which
he might ingratiate himself with them.
that same moment, the Brishnian Captain pushed through the doors followed by
the former stableboy, JD, laughing loudly about something. Looking up into their open faces, the thief
smiled. This was too easy.
in her attic room, Hannah woke, her eyes snapping open as if she’d been
shocked. One paint splattered hand went
to her chest to still her rapid breathing, and for a moment, the cloudy gray
cataracts that perpetually hid her irises were gone. With emerald green eyes, she searched the room until she saw her
painting on the wall of the seven figures, oblivious to the fact that she was
actually seeing it for the first time.
were clumsily drawn, like stick figures, but each had its own color – black,
green, red, brown, blue, white and one with no color. This last was merely an
outline, as if waiting to be filled.
Trembling with excitement, Hannah stretched a hand towards it and an
open smile crossed her face for the first time since Josiah had left her with
her father all those years ago.
she whispered.
getting mighty crowded,” Vin noted uncomfortably as Buck slid in next to Nathan
and Josiah. JD grabbed a chair and set
it at the head of the table for himself.
Chris just shook his head at Vin’s remark and looked over at the newly
appointed squire.
how’s it feel to be Buck’s lackey, kid?”
grinned, adjusting the strange cap on his head nervously, “feels right fine,
Master Chris.”
JD,” Vin greeted quietly. “This here’s
Nathan, friend of mage Josiah’s, whom I’m guessing you already know.” He indicated the two men opposite him with
a nod. Josiah grinned familiarly at the
kid, and JD smirked back. “Nathan, this
here’s JD Dunne.” The Moor offered the
kid a sour smile, the memory of his lost goods once more weighing heavily on
his mind. Then his brow furrowed.
didn’t I entrust you with my horse earlier, young man?”
blushed. “Yeah…and he’s just fine,
Master…Nathan. He, uh, is being taken
care of by Seth now.”
only been Buck’s squire for about fifteen minutes, Nathan,” Chris explained.
you must be Buck,” Nathan nodded, looking to the Captain.
your service, sir,” Buck grinned. “Its
nice to meet you, and you, mage Josiah.”
didn’t answer, his eyes focused on the red-clad nobleman that had approached
the table, trying to figure out why he looked familiar. The thief, however, was not looking at the
mage. He only had eyes for the
kid. JD’s eyes widened as he noticed
the others follow Josiah’s gaze, and he turned around slowly. He jumped slightly at seeing the thief
standing behind him, though the man did not look at all dangerous.
me, gentleman, but may I borrow your young friend here for a moment?” The smooth Danaerian drawl was not lost on
anyone, and their hands instantly went to knife and dagger handles. Ignoring the suspicious looks, the man in
red tipped his head towards them and looked expectantly at JD. The kid’s face lit up with worry.
Gods, I’m sorry, Lord Standish, but I don’t have your….”
alright son, that’s not what I wanted to ask you about,” smiling charmingly, the thief placed a hand
on JD’s shoulder as if he would lead him away, but stopped when he found a
short sword aimed at his throat. He
looked disgustedly down at the metal blade, then up at its owner.
do you want with him?” Buck demanded,
voice thick with menace. The Captain
was standing now, his 6 foot three height giving him the advantage over the
shorter thief, who only stood an average 5’10.”
sir, while admirable, your bravado is unwarranted,” the thief replied slowly,
raising his right hand languidly to brush the blade away. The large green jade ring he wore clinked
against the metal as Buck held the short sword steady for a moment, then the
Captain allowed the blade to be pushed aside.
The thief smiled disarmingly.
me, sir, I have nothing but the lad’s best interests at heart. You see, I
recently sold him my bay packhorse, Lucky, a somewhat irascible beast that I
decided deserved to be more than a mere beast of burden. I simply wanted to ensure that he wasn’t
giving Master Dunne any trouble.”
huh,” Buck replied, not convinced.
“Then why does he look so nervous?”
question,” the thief replied, raising his eyebrows. “Master Dunne, is there some reason why you should be nervous in
my presence? I do hope you are not
thinking of backing out of our deal.”
the second time this night, the boy blushed.
deal?” Chris asked, interested despite himself.
“Um…” JD’s eyes darted around the table, until
they rested on Buck’s hand where it still gripped the sword. In contrast, the thief’s gaze never wavered
from where it stared down at JD’s head.
return for my giving him Lucky, Master Dunne promised to find me an escort to
Tallus for the day after tomorrow, or else said he would accompany me
himself. I’m afraid my previous servant
and bodyguard was killed on our journey here by some bandits, and I clearly can
not venture back out into the wilds alone.”
He sniffed slightly, and indicated his rich clothing. “I would be any easy target for all sorts of
ruffians, and I do abhor fighting.”
frowned and looked at JD. “That true?”
you going to Tallus?” Vin asked the Danaerian, his eyes narrowing.
JD replied to the Captain. Buck
scowled, and looked back at the nobleman.
The thief, however, was looking at Vin.
you accent, may I guess you are Tillurian?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.
I am sorry.” The thief shook his head
scout’s eyes narrowed menacingly, and he tried to stand, but was hampered by
his position in the booth. Chris laid a
hand on his shoulder, but Vin shrugged it off.
The thief took a quick step back from the implied threat, and brought
his hands up.
no, no, please, good sir, do not misunderstand me. I have no love for Farron.
Indeed, he is the reason I am up in this wet rag of a town. He took my family’s land when we challenged
his goal of ruling the Four Kingdoms as Emperor. I come from a long line of business people, gentlemen, and the
last thing we want is an autocratic state where we have no say in the way
things are run. We did amazingly well
playing the Kingdoms merchants off each other,” a crooked smile crossed his
face, but fell quickly. “Farron
threatened to take our lands for our disloyalty, but we did not believe
him…until too late --a situation I am sure our Cathucan and Brishnian friends
can sympathize with. Now, my family has
sent me to Tallus to speak with the Queen, to tell her what I can about any
weaknesses Farron’s army may have.”
snorted, crossed his arms and looked down at the nobleman with disdain. “What could you possibly offer that we do
not already know after four years of fighting?”
thief frowned, eyeing the Captain with undisguised disdain. “Far more than a mere mercenary, I’m sure,”
he scoffed. Buck growled, and grabbed
at the red tunic, bunching it between his fingers and lifting the thief towards
him. A slight gasp of fear escaped the
smaller man’s lips, and he grabbed at the large hand, trying to pry it off of
Chris warned, his voice low. He never
moved from his sitting position, but the single word had an effect. The Captain looked down at him, growled
again, then let the tunic go. The thief
smoothed down the front of his tunic with shaking hands.
sort of information do you have?” Chris
asked quietly.
thief looked at him, and frowned slightly.
“I…uh…I am sorry, sir, but, obviously I do not know who you are and my
information must be kept private. But
you may be assured that it is information that may have a great impact on the
outcome of this war.” He shut his mouth
firmly and made a great show of looking proud of himself.
watched him a moment, then looked at Buck once before returning his gaze to the
table. “Suit yourself, then.”
thief raised another eyebrow, but didn’t respond to the slight. Setting his shoulders a bit, he rubbed a
thumb across his lower lip and looked back down at JD.
Master Dunne?”
had shrunk down into himself, and shut his eyes upon being mentioned
again. Buck grimaced at the kid’s
boy, who were you planning on setting up with this overdressed popinjay? Huh?
No offense sir,” Buck nodded at the thief, who just shrugged in return. “ I
mean, if you were planning to be my squire, you couldn’t possibly go with him
yourself unless….” He paused as JD turned wide, pleading brown eyes to look at
him, and his own blue eyes narrowed in sudden comprehension. “Oh…now, wait just a minute here. Tell me you weren’t thinking that I would do
this thing for you.”
man, Captain, I’m really sorry. I guess
I was just kind of hoping….”
“Captain?” the thief interrupted. “Are you a captain sir? My, my, how fortunate. Are you for hire?”
for the likes of you, I reckon,” Buck spat back. JD’s mouth opened and shut a few times, feeling totally out of
control of the conversation.
well, shame. I guess that means I’ll be
seeing you in a couple of days then, Master Dunne.” The thief sighed and turned to leave, drawing his cape once more
over one arm with a flourish.
wait,” JD pleaded, jumping to his feet and placing a hand on the thief’s
shoulder. The man in red looked down at
it pointedly, and JD hurriedly pulled the hand back. “Is there some other way that I can make it up to you? Besides giving back the horse, I mean?”
thief regarded JD a moment, then looked back up at Buck. “Well, as it appears that the good Captain
here also has a claim for your services, perhaps he’d like to play me for
you? I did, after all, have the boy
first.” He flexed an eyebrow in Buck’s
direction. “If you win, I will not only give up my claim on the horse, but the
boy as well. Are you a gaming man,
looked at JD, who was biting his bottom lip in worry, then smirked.
Chris said, warning his old friend for the second time this night. This time, however, the Captain ignored
if I lose?” He asked the man in red.
thief chuckled, his green eyes sparkling in the bright candlelight. “Well, then, you and the boy will both be my
escort to Tallus.”
grinned and stuck out his hand. “It’s a
deal, Lord…er….”
my good sir, Lord Standish of the High Provinces of Danaeira, at your service.”
He swept a short bow, his cape swirling in the small space in a handsome
arrived just as the thief lay down a full house, earning a heavy groan from the
unhappy Captain opposite him. No one
saw her sidle into the room and move to a corner. Meanwhile, Buck laid his forehead on the table and beat it against
it a few times before looking up. The
sight of this young pup of a lordling grinning at him, those green eyes lit up
with a sarcastic mirth, quickly dispelled any rationality Buck was holding
you are one of the luckiest sons of bitches that ever graced this town, or you
cheated, boy.”
“Cheated?” The thief looked properly aghast. “Sir,
first of all, as a Lord of the Realm, I do not appreciate such language around
my person, nor will I stand for being called such a disparaging term as ‘boy.’ Secondly, I need hardly cheat when playing
such an opponent as yourself. Indeed,
may I suggest, Captain, that the next time you sit down opposite someone at
poker that you shave your moustache?
You give yourself away every time you reach up to preen it.” He raised his own clean shaven face to look
down upon the man opposite him and leaned back, his hands casually smoothing
down the folds of his rich red tunic on his arms. The spectators all chuckled slightly at the overconfident
nobleman, and in the background, the man in black rolled his eyes in annoyance.
scowled, unable to think of a decent riposte, and bunched his large hands into
fists. He stood up slowly, allowing his
wooden chair to scrape angrily against the dirty floor, and placed a hand on
the sword at his belt. Raising an
eyebrow, the thief understood the challenge and stood as well, though he
breathed a heavy sigh as he did so. An
expectant hush dropped over the tavern.
backed up slightly, not wanting to be too close to the gutting that was to
come, but neither wanting to miss out on the grisly scene. In contrast, Chris stepped forward, and
placed himself in Buck’s line of sight, the frown on his face dark. Buck glanced at him before looking back at
Standish, but didn’t take the hand from his sword.
don’t want any fighting, Buck. You
lost. You’ll have to deal with it.”
snookered me Chris.” Buck replied, not
removing his gaze from the thief.
he did. But look at him, Buck. He’s a cheat, a snake and a lowlife. I knew that the minute I laid eyes on him.”
he beat you. He beat you because at
this,” he indicated the cards on the table,” at this, he is better than you. A
lot better.”
scowl deepened, his eyes narrowing into slits as he watched the lordling
opposite him shrug at the underhanded compliment.
don’t like you, Standish,” he said.
the thief agreed, pursing his lips slightly before grinning, “but you will protect me. At least until we get to Tallus, correct?”
jaw tensed, his eyes never blinking, holding onto the other’s gaze without
flinching. Finally, he inclined his
head once. “Yes, Standish. Until Tallus. But you better not try any of
those Lordly airs on me, got that?”
thief smiled brightly in reply, and sat back down, greedily gathering his cards
back together. The rest of the tavern
sighed slightly in disappointment before returning to their former
conversations. Buck wheeled around
where he still stood, shot a glare at JD who hovered nearby, and strode off to
get another drink. He stopped short as
he nearly collided with a small, silver haired woman when she blocked his
path. She grabbed his arm to balance herself.
don’t you watch where you’re going, crone!” the large Captain demanded,
stepping back and looking at the solid grip she seemed to have on his arm. He put his own hand over hers to pry her
grip loose at the same time that he looked into her face. He stopped when he noticed her clouded eyes
and vague expression.
“Oh….” He quickly looked around, but no one was
paying them much attention, except for JD.
The boy was watching him sadly, his large brown eyes begging for
forgiveness. Buck looked back at the
woman, who had tilted her head slightly as if to hear him better. If she had been offended by his “crone”
remark, she showed no sign.
he said slowly, trying to calm down, “I’m sorry for my rudeness, but my temper
had the best of me at that moment. I
imagine you are lost. Do you need
someone to take you home?”
are angry,” the woman stated simply, staring up at his face as if she could see
grimaced, “Yes, but not at you, old one.
Now, where….”
she interrupted him sharply, gripping his arm more tightly, “I mean you are
really angry. I’ve never seen it so
Captain simply blinked. “Excuse me?”
are the red one. I can feel it from here.
You are capable of so many emotions, all of them boundless in their
intensity – rage, love, passion, pride, loyalty – and so much more. How do you survive? Unleashed, you must be a terrible
force. But it could also so easily be
your undoing.”
just stared at her and shook his head.
“Mistress, you really shouldn’t be here. This is no place for….”
is my brother?”
“Josiah. He must be told. You are here.
Together. Finally.”
swallowed, and JD sidled up next to them.
The boy had seen Buck’s problem, and was trying to help.
Hannah. Its JD. Are you looking for Josiah?”
course. The brown one. Sweet JD, How did I not see it before? Brown, like the earth, like the rocks that
turn round and round in their winding, diurnal course. Never ending, forever steadfast, and
incorruptible. You will come up from
behind, they will never see it coming, like the volcano and the earthquake.”
huh, sure Hannah,” JD looked up at
Buck, pointed a finger at his head, and made small circles with it to indicate
that the woman was crazy. Buck nodded
his understanding.
take you to your brother, Mistress,”
the Captain said quietly, taking her thin arm. He could feel her bones through the thin cloak that covered her,
and he wondered that she was not freezing in this wet town.
Hannah wouldn’t be led, and she shook the arm off. Despite her obvious blindness, she walked unerringly across to
the table where the thief sat. He
looked up at her lazily, his gaze only mildly curious as he tucked the cards
inside his red brocade tunic. She
smiled down at him.
know its you, Ezra, though I can not see you.
Can anyone? You have no color,
child of light. What are you?” As she spoke, she touched his shoulder
lightly, and a shock of energy coursed through the thief, making him jump.
Ezra leapt out of his chair and twisted around to face her, the gold dagger at
his belt in his hand. His eyes were
bright with an irrational fear, and the dagger shook in his hand. His shoulder
was stinging where she had touched him, though the pain was fading quickly. The sudden commotion alerted the others at
the nearby booth, and they quickly clambered out of the confining space. In two quick steps, Josiah was by his
sister’s side, a hand on her slight shoulder, his eyes darting back and forth
between her and the nervous Standish.
Chris flanked the thief, startled by his speed and by the competent way
in which he held the dagger in a fighter’s crouch. Hannah was staring blindly at her own hand, totally unaware of
the danger she was in, her face one of wonder as she felt the tingling in her
fingers subsiding.
Josiah whispered in her ear, “what are you doing here?” To his left, Vin stared open mouthed at the
woman, knowing he had found the woman he sought.
smiled up at him dreamily. “Because the
seven men have arrived, Josiah. It has
can put the pig sticker away, Lord Standish, or should I call you Ezra?” Buck
scoffed, his arms crossed over his broad chest. “I doubt you’ll get much of a
fight from this one.”
hesitated, confused at his own reaction.
Blinking, he slowly replaced the gold hilted dagger to its sheath and
stood up straight, the pain in his shoulder now merely a ghostly memory. He blushed a bit and lowered his head with a
sheepish smile, but he knew that he’d given himself away somewhat. The paladin was eyeing him speculatively,
and he avoided looking into those steel blue eyes.
pushed forward to stand on Hannah’s other side as the crowd turned its
back. Just Josiah’s crazy sister
causing a stir, the townspeople muttered to each other. But the scout was absolutely mesmerized by
her calm face, and blank eyes.
the one I was sent to find,” he said quietly.
scout,” she smiled in his general direction, “I was.” She raised a hand to her shoulder to pet Josiah’s hand with
hers. “Brother…I have already spoken
with Inez for a room. These are the
ones, and we must talk with them now.”
looked at the six men watching them, frowning slightly, “Are you sure, Han?”
the first time in many years, Josiah.”
She nodded in the direction of the men standing loosely around her,
unable to see their expressions but well aware of their presence. Each one blazed before her, and through the
clouds on her eyes, she could easily make out the color of each one – all
except the one that she felt more as an absence of color. For her brother’s benefit, she decided to
point them out, turning first to the scout.
Vin stood a little straighter as her face turned to him.
the scout is the green one, Josiah. And
that one, Buck,” She pointed in the direction of the Captain, “is red.” Still flushed with his anger at the
nobleman, Buck frowned darkly.
Wilmington?” Josiah asked.
and the boy next to him, JD, is the brown.”
Next to Buck, the kid swallowed, and moved a little behind his new
grimaced and gripped her shoulder more tightly. Hannah did not acknowledge the squeeze, she was looking in the
direction of the paladin, studying him where he stood behind the thief.
paladin Chris…he is all black, the counterpoint to your white, love. And the man in front of him, Ezra, he is the
one without color.” She frowned, squinting her eyes as if she could actually
see the thief. Ezra took a step back,
and bumped into Chris. The man in black
posed a formidable barrier, and the thief found himself trapped.
turned her head, her voice failing in its strength as she inhaled the dark smoke
of the room, but she was determined to continue. Nathan had come to stand next to Josiah, his healer instincts
sensing her weakness. She grinned as
she became aware of his presence.
our oldest friend, Nathan,” She reached out and he took her hand. “Blue.”
looked up at Josiah, his expression confused.
“What is she going on about, Josiah?”
how does she know who we all are?” Chris interposed.
grimaced, and lowered his voice a bit.
“I think we’d better go somewhere else.
Gentlemen, I realize this may seem a little strange….”
little strange,” JD repeated softly, the sarcasm in his tone thick. Josiah smirked in his direction.
if you would indulge us for a moment….I, uh, oh dear, how do I put this.” The mage faltered, worrying his bottom
lip. Nathan grimaced, and shook his
you told me to come because you said that I may be able to help restore the
Kingdoms. I still do not have any idea
what you meant by that, but if it is something Hannah has foreseen, I will
follow you. I know what she can
do.” Nathan drew the blue silk wrap
from off his shoulders and wrapped it round his head, to demonstrate his willingness
to leave.
cleared his throat, and looked at Chris, his own mind made up the minute he saw
Hannah’s face. Chris watched him
is right, Chris, this was foreseen.
Will you come with us?” the scout asked.
mercenary frowned, the dark mood that had left him since meeting this scout on
the trail returning in full. He shared
a look with Buck, and the Captain simply raised an eyebrow in his
direction. It is up to you, Sir Knight,
the Captain was telling him, and I’ll follow your lead.
Ezra was shifting from one foot to another in front of him, not sure if this
was what he had in mind when he thought to ingratiate himself with these
people. He only meant to see if they
were plotting some sort of coup – to travel with them until he had the
information he needed to sell. Being
called by his real name, one he had not used in many years, by a crazy old
blind woman was not part of his plans.
Getting involved with magic never was.
became aware of the younger man’s discomfort, and a slow wicked grin crossed
his face. For some reason, he liked the
idea of seeing this young unknown nobleman nervous. Plus, he felt sure that if
he let Standish get away now, he would sorely regret it. There was something dangerous about this
young man.
bone crushing strength, he gripped Ezra’s shoulder and looked at the four
people in front of him. The thief
jumped again at the pressure, and his fingers twitched nervously. He hated being cornered.
the way,” Chris said, “Lord Ezra Standish and I will be more than happy to hear
you out.”
actually,” Ezra tried, squirming under the grip, “I would rather not….” Chris
gripped harder, and leaned in close to his ear.
saw where you hid that Ace of Spades, Ezra,”
he whispered softly so that only the thief could hear, “and unless you want me
to tell Buck, I suggest you come with us.
I want you where I can see you.”
Ezra paled slightly, and licked his lips as he looked over at Buck’s
dark face. Finally, he nodded.
you,” the thief said to Hannah and Josiah with a sweep of his hand, forcing a smile.
nodded, and looked over at Inez. Unlike
the rest of the tavern’s occupants, who had long since returned to their own
discussions and problems since the arrival of the crazy sister, she had been
watching them with some curiosity. Upon
his nod, she beckoned them across.
Turning Hannah by her shoulders, Josiah and his sister led the way.
had made her way around the bar to the far side, where a short, dark stained
door sat. Pulling at the rings of keys
on her belt, she quickly found the one she was looking for and inserted it into
the lock. After pushing at the wood a
few times with her shoulder, the door swung open with a groan to reveal an
unlit room. A thick mustiness blew out
into the tavern.
old storeroom,” she said quietly as Josiah reached her. “I rarely use it, mainly because it has such
terrible ventilation. But, at the same
time, no one will be able to hear you in here.” She handed him a lantern from off a nearby hook.
you, Mistress,” Josiah said, a kind smile on his face. Inez simply nodded and backed away to let
them enter. Everyone, even Hannah, had
to stoop to enter the room, and all quickly found places to sit or lean on the
scattered crates and barrels when it was discovered that the ceiling of the
room was not much higher. Buck cursed
as he whacked his head on a low beam, earning him a dry chuckle from Chris who
followed him in, dragging the sullen Danaerian with him.
head’s as hard as ever, eh Bucklin?”
Chris spoke, the thief took the moment to try and slip out from under Chris’s
grasp, hoping that the older man was distracted, but the paladin held on
uh,” Chris chastised, pushing Ezra forward.
The Danaerian fell against some old crates and glared back at the black
clad man mercenary.
was the last to enter, and he too held onto a lantern as he swung the door
closed behind him. Their movement disturbed some of the dust that had collected
in the space, and, combined with the dampness, caused more than one of them to
sneeze. Unaffected, the thief looked
around at them all with disgust.
he drawled, trying to draw back some of his snootiness, “I do not understand
why I have been included in this ridiculous scenario. I am no mere mercenary or stable boy. I am a Lord of Danaeria and I….”
shut up, Standish.” Buck spat, propping
himself up on some crates. JD, of
course, sat next to him, already acting as a shadow as all good squire’s
should. Nathan leaned against some nearby
crates, and eyed Ezra curiously.
got a point, Josiah. Hannah, are you
sure the Danaerian has to be here?”
merely nodded in the lantern light and sat wearily upon a beer barrel. Josiah stood next to her, blocking the door,
and allowed her to lean against him.
“Yes,” She said.
I the only one who is a bit confused here?”
Chris asked, leaning against some crates next to Vin, who was sitting
cross legged on top of them. The scout
shifted over slightly to make room for him, and patted the paladin’s back
familiarly. Not for the first time,
Buck found himself staring with some wonder at the way Chris was acting around
the Tillurian…as if he had known him for years. Chris never opened his back to anyone until he’d known them for a
good long time. The Captain frowned and
looked back at Hannah and Josiah.
with Chris. What did Nathan mean about
there being a chance to restore the kingdoms?”
he asked gruffly.
were you serious?” Chris added,
shifting his shoulders slightly. “Not
to be the voice of dissension, but I don’t believe the Tillurian army can hold
him off for more than few months.” He
glanced back at Vin, but the scout was busy inspecting his hands. Grimacing, he looked squarely at
Josiah. “I also very much doubt that
seven men and a blind woman who have just met can have much of an effect. Perhaps if we were mages, but, from what I
can tell, only you, Josiah, wear those robes.”
not very well,” Josiah conceded. “I’ve
been sorely out of practice for many years.”
old, useless mage, a blind woman, a boy, and five strangers in a dank,
rat-infested storeroom. My, my, you can
just feel the energy,” Ezra sneered, picking dust and wood shavings off of his
red doublet.
Chris said warningly, to whom Ezra looked innocently.
I’m just repeating what you said, mercenary.”
I said? I never….”
sort of did, Chris,” Vin whispered in the paladin’s ear. Chris short him a dark look, enhanced by the
low light. The scout shrank back a
little. “But, he’s right. It does sound a bit pathetic, doesn’t it?”
the scout looked around, the darkness hiding the disappointment in his eyes. “I mean, this is not exactly what I was
expecting either. I kind of hoped there
would be some great sorcerer here, or an undefeatable magic sword, or
afraid there is nothing of that here, Tillurian,” Hannah said. “This is it.”
what is the point?” Buck demanded, crossing his arms.
paused, her pale face almost translucent.
When she finally did speak again, she stuttered, unsure of herself. “I, well, I…I…um….”
great. Now that we have that settled, I
need a drink!” Buck shouted, making her jump back slightly. With a grin at her, he made to stand, but
suddenly found himself unable to move.
He stared with wonder as a red nimbus suddenly appeared around his hands
and spread to the rest of his body. JD
slid away quickly, and fell off his crate in a heap near Hannah’s feet. Looking up, he saw that she was standing,
her usually calm features twisted in concentration. When she spoke, her voice, while still soft, carried to everyone
in the room.
Bucklin Wilmington of the Brishnian Guard, bastard son of a Sir Galladin and
the concubine Moira Wilmington, co-leader of the Tillurian Night Fighters, sit
down and let me have my say!”
quickly as it came, the nimbus was gone, and Buck fell back on the crates. Eyes wide with shock, he just stared
speechlessly at Hannah. She was still
standing, but her features had slackened, and she was leaning once more on her
brother, a sheen of perspiration visible on her brow. If anything, she looked more pale. Josiah glared at Buck, but the Captain barely noticed. Like him, the others were all watching the
slight woman, waiting.
“Thank you,” she said to the room, as if they
had become quiet because they were being polite and not because they were
stunned. “I apologize Captain, but I
needed you to listen to me.”
did you do to me?” Buck stammered, still blinking.
am an Oracle. And I did nothing to you
except allow you and the others in this room to see what I see, albeit only for
a moment. It is the only power I have
beyond my ability to perceive the future.
Or, at least, my ability to predict the future based on what I can see
“What?” the Captain was getting angry again, and the
word came out sounding almost accusatory.
JD had gotten back to his feet, but he didn’t return to Buck’s side. He stayed next to Nathan. The healer had his head turned away from the
boy, trying not to breath in the smell of horse sweat and manure that wafted
off of the younger man.
sighed, he head drooping to her chest, and closed her blank eyes. “Josiah, could you…?” she asked weakly.
nodded, his huge arms circling around her to keep her warm. “An Oracle does not see into the future,
Captain. He or she has the ability to
see into people, and to guess with some accuracy what they will do. Not long before he attacked Rhea, she had
guessed that Farron might try to recreate the Empire of the Ancients, and
insisted I bring her here. She also saw
each of you, and knew that you would come here to her before it was too late to
stop him.”
frowned, confused. “Wait, if you knew
what Farron was going to do, why didn’t you warn anyone? You could have prevented all this!”
most oracle’s are frauds, kid, and, well, no one really wants to listen to them
anyway.” Buck said, still frowning, but no longer angry. His fear had faded completely upon Josiah’s
explanation, and he allowed himself a moment to think. “They are outlawed from using their gift in
the Four Kingdoms, regardless of what they may be able to tell. Most of the time, it is a good law. But sometimes….” He stopped, and looked over at Chris. The paladin shrugged.
oracle tried to warn us of Farron’s invasion.
A girl -- couldn’t have been more than eight. She sneaked into the castle and tried to see the King, but even
after she’d stood in front of him, begging him to listen to her, he
refused. He had her thrown out.” Chris was staring hard at Hannah, as if he
wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what she had to say either.
was eight? Your King threw out an eight
year old girl?” JD asked,
nonplussed. Buck wouldn’t meet his
are…dangerous,” Buck said, not elaborating.
He looked up, his jaw firmly set.
“Given a choice, people will avoid them, close their ears. But…I suppose, at this point, there really
isn’t a choice to make any more. Farron
took that away from us a long time ago.”
greeted this statement, as all eyes turned to Hannah. She nodded, and smiled in Buck’s direction. He just continued to frown.
ten years ago,” she began dreamily, “I saw you all for the first time. You were all over the place, in every land,
your destiny singling you out from the millions of people surrounding you with
colors brighter than anything visible to the naked eye. Most people are yellow, or orange, but not
you. Your colors were unusual, and so
beautiful. At the time, I did not know
who you were, or why you were, but, with my brother’s and Nathan’s help, I
started to see more clearly.” She paused to take a breath, and she seemed to
straighten slightly in her brother’s arms.
In the lamplight, her silver hair glowed, reminding Nathan of an
angel. She smiled, “Together, you men
have the power to stop Farron. Seven
figures, each unique, will determine the fate of us all.”
is a fairytale,” the thief muttered.
Chris gave him a harsh look, but the thief ignored him. “Quite honestly, I do not understand what is
so terrible about Farron rebuilding the Empire. The world will still turn, money will still change hands, people
will continue to be born and die. How
bad can it really be?”
want a murderer to be your ruler? One
who will take away all our rights as free people?” Chris asked, his eyes bright.
“Besides, you told us Farron took your lands, and that you wanted to
stop him. Are you now denying that?”
shrugged. “In the end, I am a realist,
mercenary. I may not want him to
succeed, but I am not about to risk my life or my livelihood on a bet that will
fail. So he rebuilds the Empire, so
what? We’ll survive. Besides, when Farron dies, his Empire is
bound to fall apart. His only heir does
not want anything to do with him; he does not want to be King, much less
Emperor. We’ll probably just go back to
the way we were.” He shrugged, the red
of his cape taking on the color of blood in the low light. His green eyes were invisible in the shadows
on his face as he stared at the floor.
Across from him, Hannah was shaking her head vigorously.
no, you do not understand. Farron must
not be allowed to recreate the Empire of the Ancients. He must not be able to reunify the keys, to
achieve the Divine Mandate again.” She
looked around at them, her unlined face bright. “Do you know the legend of Emperor Magnimus and Rhea?” A few nodded assents greeted her question,
along with a few frowns. Ezra crossed
his arms and huffed slightly.
legend,” he muttered quickly. “If this
is all about some childish mythology, then I am leaving.”
“Mythology? No, no, Ezra, this is no mere story. The keys are real, even if the rulers of the
kingdoms had long since forgotten how to use them. They are all aspects of the Divine Mandate, and the Mandate will
bring back the darkness that shrouded this land for hundreds of years.”
shook his head, and levered himself up off the crates. “And what?
Farron has learned how to use his key, that of…what was it
called…Reason? That he killed Queen
Kinya and her family, and that of the Brishnian King in order to get their
so-called magical powers too? No,
Madame, I know Farron. He has no
magic. He is simply a nasty, ambitious
man whose ego refused to be contained within one Kingdom’s boundaries. He wants power, but not magical power. He wants political power. He wants control, and money, and glory. All these things define him as the greedy,
sadistic bastard he is, but he is no mage.”
wrong, Ezra.” She was worrying her
bottom lip with her teeth. “He has
already learned how to use the powers of Reason and Conviction and…and he may
have Truth, though he has yet to use it.
He has become so dark that I can barely see him anymore, like a
shadow. He uses them to hide himself
from me.” She shook her head
again. “And the madness is already
strong in him.” She paused, and her
brow furrowed in concentration again.
the Divine Mandate is alive again, it will not let itself be rent apart again
without a fight. It will hold onto
Farron, and will infect his heirs as well, whether they want it to or not. It
will just as equally infect his killer, should the heir die as well. No one knows how Queen Rhea controlled the
Mandate when she split it up, and without that knowledge, no one will be able
to defeat it.” When the thief didn’t
try and contradict her again, she continued, though more softly, her tone
addressing them all.
can see that future, and all the despair the Mandate will bring. It is a future that stretches on and on into
infinity.” She licked her lips, and
drew herself from Josiah’s embrace to step forward, her head bowed slightly
against the low roof. Her eyes met
Ezra’s, then she looked past him to Chris.
“You must not allow it to happen.”
what you say is correct, what exactly do you expect us to do?” Ezra asked, not
hiding his sarcasm. “Take on an army with just the seven of us?”
raised an eyebrow in his direction, but didn’t warn him off again. It was the
same question he’d wanted to ask.
shook her head. “I do not know, not exactly.
Obviously you can not take an army.
But you can stop him from killing Queen Selene and her daughter.”
Eloise,” Buck supplied quietly.
Vin said, looking up. “The Queen will
not let us take her out of harms way.
She won’t disappear now, not when her Kingdom is at its most tremulous.”
she must,” Hannah insisted. “If Farron
tell you, she won’t leave. And, from
what I’ve been told, Eloise is as stubborn as her mother.”
right. Eloise will no more shirk her
duty than her mother,” Buck agreed, his tone a little caustic. Chris shot him a warning look, but Buck
ignored him. “That woman lives and
breathes Tilluria.”
give them a choice,” Hannah stated. No
one answered her. Vin shut his eyes and
groaned. Hannah grimaced slightly, an
expression that seemed out of place on her face. “Look, once you explain to her what is at stake, I am sure….”
she won’t.”
might,” Chris suggested lightly. Again,
no one spoke for a while, though Vin groaned again.
looked around the room, measuring the gathered group with a practiced eye. JD was watching Buck, who in turn was
pretending to inspect his nails. Nathan
was staring at the floor, his brow furrowed, his hands playing with the edges
of the silk scarf around his shoulders.
Josiah was watching his sister, ready to catch her is she faltered where
she stood a few feet away from him. Vin
was shaking his head, his mouth turned downwards. Ezra was…well, he was back to dusting his sleeves.
Chris said, “how long have you been away from Tallus?”
didn’t answer for a moment, then, sullenly, he answered. “A month.”
as me. It was a stalemate when I left
on the battlefield, because of the winter storms. But its almost March, now.
Winter will be over soon down there.”
long before Farron reaches the castle in Tallus?”
stared at him, his eyes dark.
Buck answered for the scout. “He’ll be
there by April. Without an army to
defend her, Selene’s guards will not be able to hold the castle for much past
Buck right?” Chris continued to watch
Vin. The paladin already knew all this,
had reached these conclusions himself before he left to come and visit Mary,
probably for the last time. He’d been
acting as advisor to the Tillurian army for years now, while Buck led the
guerilla movement, and both knew that Tilluria was lost. They planned to be back for the final
battle. Visiting Four Corners was to be
their last hurrah. But Chris wanted to
be sure Vin knew this too. The scout
had to accept that, or he would never willingly defy his Queen and her
watched Chris, measuring him. Finally,
he nodded.
he’s right,” The scout looked over at Hannah.
“You are sure there is nothing else we can do?”
don’t you just assassinate Farron,”
Ezra suggested coolly, not looking up.
Hannah turned to face his direction, once more shaking her head.
too powerful. His magic will warn him
before you even come within ten feet of him.
Only someone close to him, whom he trusts, or someone with the same
blood, could even have a chance. That
was why so many of the Ancient Emperors’ died at the hands of their children.”
shook his head. “Nonsense.”
are you so determined to disbelieve me?” Hannah demanded, her voice straining
from frustration.
looked at her, his mouth set in a straight line. “Because, Mistress, before Farron stripped him of his lands, my
father was one of the King’s closest advisors.
I grew up in his court, and I can promise you, never once did I see
Farron so much as emit a spark of magic.”
long ago was that?” She asked.
shrugged, “I’m not sure. But surely, had he been even slightly adept, we would
have known?”
were with him when he decided to attack and murder Kinya? And Brishnia? You were with him every moment?”
“No. You can’t see what I see, Ezra. Perhaps if you did.…” She reached out to
touch him, and he jumped back.
touch me,” he hissed, the fear in his voice almost palpable.
for a moment, and you will see.”
“No. I said no.” He continued to back away from
her touch, but he was hampered by the small room. She pressed on, following him by sound as he tripped over
things. “Did I not make myself clear?”
he demanded angrily.
are you afraid of, Standish?” Buck
asked, smiling slightly.
I think you’re all a bit mad, and, frankly, I’d like to leave now.” He glanced about the room, and found they
were all staring at him, not one of them making a move to answer. He dodged as Hannah took another step in his
direction, diving under outstretched limb to find himself at the feet of her
brother. Josiah watched him quietly,
his eyes a mixture of sorrow and disappointment. Ezra fixated on him, mainly because the large mage was standing
in front of the only exit.
good sir. Surely you can see that I
don’t belong here. I’m not like the
rest of you. Please, let me go.”
frowned, his eyes disappearing into the shadows. “Its not my choice,” he answered quietly.
frowned, and turned around. Hannah was
facing him again, her head titled to one side.
Her hands were by her side, as if she were no longer interested in
impressing her power on him. Behind
her, the others were still watching, more curious now. Ezra shivered slightly under the uncompromising
gazes, more determined than ever now that he had made a mistake thinking to get
involved with these people. Crazy did
not begin to describe them, and this absurd notion about the Divine
Mandate….who were they kidding? Ezra
focused once again on Hannah.
the last time,” he said quietly, his voice taking on a more threatening
quality, “let me leave.”
stepped up to him, and, when he made to slip away again, Josiah grabbed his
upper arms. With practiced ease, the
thief flexed his right wrist, and a flare pellet fell into his hand from inside
his sleeve.
he snapped, and threw the pellet to the floor in front of her. It exploded, and Hannah screamed as flames
quickly caught at her skirts.
Instantly, Josiah threw Ezra to the side as he dove to his sister’s aid,
along with JD and Buck. His way clear,
the thief grabbed for the door, his hand easily finding the catch.
him!” Hannah yelled, his movements clear in her mind. Ezra turned the handle and grinned…just as a knife embedded
itself in the doorframe inches from his face.
open that door and the next one goes in your back,” Nathan said. Ezra stopped, and turned slowly to face the
Moor. Nathan was holding a knife in
each hand, and his face looked almost demonic in the flickering light. The thief considered throwing a smoke
pellet, which he had hidden up his left sleeve, but hesitated as Nathan raised
one of the knives a little higher. It
was as if the healer could read his mind.
and JD had the flames out quickly, and amazingly, Hannah escaped without a
burn. She lay panting on the floor, her
arms around Josiah’s neck as he held her.
alright?” he whispered. Hannah didn’t
answer, just looked up at the thief.
him here,” she stated.
Josiah warned.
is a part of this, brother. You all
are. Bring him here.”
aren’t strong enough,” he begged.
must see for himself, Josiah. You all
heard her,” Nathan said to Ezra, still holding the knives up. The thief watched him as he released the
door latch. It clicked close as he
moved forward to reach the group in the center of the room, never taking his
eyes off of Nathan. The healer moved to
guard the door, knives still in hand.
my hand,” Hannah said, reaching one arm up, palm out. Ezra looked at it, but didn’t move.
to hell with this!” Buck shouted angrily, grabbing Ezra’s wrist fiercely to
pull it forward. Ezra fought him the
whole way, his jaw tensed, but Buck was stronger. Finally, the thief gave in, insisting he would take her hand
willingly, and Buck released him. The thief’s hand shook slightly, but, as he
promised, he slowly placed his hand in hers.
Power surged through them both like a lightening bolt, hitting everyone in the tiny room at the same time, and exploding the two oil lamps. The room plunged into darkness.
his camp, Emperor Farron sat bolt upright on his cot, his eyes wide open. Looking around at the dark space, he stared
about him wildly, suddenly sure he was being watched…and by her. He gripped his hands into fists and swung
himself off the cot in order to stand up.
was, by all rights, an extremely handsome man, even when he was angry, or
perhaps, especially when he was angry.
His jet black hair was thick on his head, the few silver threads
appearing at his temples in what many women considered a dashing fashion. Sparkling blue-green eyes complemented his
sculptured face, which he kept clean shaven in order to show off the light,
white scar than ran down one cheek.
Queen Kinya had managed to scratch him with her signet ring as he
strangled her in her bed chamber, and he now wore the scar like a trophy. As he
belted a silk navy robe around his fit, lean, six-foot tall frame, the scar
almost seemed to glow faintly in the darkness.
moments, he was striding out of the main room in the tent where he was
headquartered and into an adjacent cloth walled room. Two young women sat shivering together on one cot, fully
expecting him. He towered over both of
them, and they shrunk back a bit on the cot.
The older one, a blond woman in her late twenties, had her chin up
staring at him with as much courage as she could muster. The younger, a girl no more that fifteen
with brown hair twisted into two pigtails on either side of her head, had her
face buried in the shoulder of the older one.
Hannah,” the blond said, her voice shaking slightly.
course its Hannah, you worthless guttersnipe,” Farron hissed. “How is it possible that she can see me
again? You said my power shielded me
from her.”
blond shook her head, her brown eyes glistening with unshed tears. Farron
grimaced, and placed his hands on his hips.
will not ask again, Ravennie. How is it
she has found me?”
opened her mouth, then shut it again.
“I don’t know,” she finally muttered.
laughed mirthlessly, “Don’t lie to me, Oracle. You know why. Or perhaps Wellssandra would like to tell
brown haired girl flinched at hearing her name, and she risked looking up at
Farron with dark, bloodshot eyes. He
sneered at her.
you have something to tell me, Wells?” he asked.
chin shuddered a bit as she spoke, her voice soft. “She’s found them, Emperor.
The seven paintings on the wall, she has them with her. They’re providing her power.”
inhaled sharply, and he stepped back a bit.
He gripped his hands into fists again, and his eyes shone in the faint
blue light of the night. “So,” he
whispered to the air, “they exist.” He
looked back down at the two women, the two Oracles he’d enslaved back in
Danaeria many years ago. They both
watched him, already knowing what his next question would be, and dreading it.
you see who they are?” he asked quietly.
shook her head, “They are mere shadows, emperor. Bright colored shadows, but without shape.”
Farron sneered. “That is not good
enough, Ravennie.” Reaching down he
held his hand out to the woman.
“Perhaps you need a little extra power yourself?”
blue eyes widened, staring at the hand as if it were poison. “What?”
if those men can supply Hannah with extra power, why can’t I supply you?”
more powerful than us, my lord. She
knows how to….”
don’t care. I need to know who those men are, and I need to know now. Wells, you too.” He held out his other hand, and the brown-haired girl bit her
lip. She looked at Ravennie, but the
blond had her eyes cast downward.
me what you can see, women, or I will take it from you. You know I can.” Farron kneeled before them, his eyes cold. Lips trembling,
Ravennie reached forward, her fingers hovering above Farron’s. Wells did the same, watching the other woman
as if waiting for a signal. Farron snorted with impatience, his eyes narrowed,
and grabbed both hands in his own.
crackled through the tent, and Farron had to work to repress the yell in his
throat. All around him he saw
nothingness, a gray void, then slowly, as he fell deeper, he could make out
colors swirling about his head in an odd rainbow. Smiling, he wanted to reach out for them, but, just as quickly as
they had appeared, they were gone, and everything was gray. Moments later, he
found himself looking at an old woman with emerald green eyes.
Hannah,” Farron grinned.
old Oracle stepped back slightly, her eyes wide, scared. Behind her, he could make out shapes, but,
besides knowing that there were seven, he couldn’t make any of them out. The emperor tried to follow Hannah as she
withdrew, but found himself held back.
His hands were still being grasped by the two Oracles, and they were
desperately trying to keep him in one place.
me go,” he hissed to the two girls.
can’t,” Ravennie hissed back. “If we
do, we’ll all be lost here. We are not
meant to see this place, emperor, please! We must go back.”
we can’t hold on much longer!” Wells pleaded, her eyes wide. She stared across the void at Hannah, then
at something beyond. For a moment, she could see someone, then it was
gone. Farron wasn’t paying attention,
he too was peering into the darkness, trying to see past the light that was
was also watching Hannah, but then, with sudden clarity, she saw a man behind
her. She knew him! She gasped, and Farron looked at her. Her
mouth shut, and she nodded. She saw one
of them.
grinned, his blue-green eyes lighting with mirth. Then the grin fell as a realization came upon him. He could still feel his power. With amazement, he allowed the energy to
build up within him, and he let go of Ravennie’s hand, ignoring her scream as
she was suddenly cast adrift. Wells groped blindly at the scream, and caught a
wisp of Ravennie’s fading body, bringing it back to solidity with a
thought. Meanwhile, Farron had gathered
a ball of energy in his hand, staring at Hannah with fevered intensity. He could end her threat now! Around them, colors suddenly swam back into
the void, writhing and fighting with the nothingness, and a vacuum began to
build beneath Farron’s feet. Wells’
eyes widened with horror as the vacuum drew them in.
must leave now, Farron! Now!” Wells’ voice rose with determination, and she
gripped his hand tighter. Farron
suddenly felt himself pulled back, and his hope vanished, even as he threw the
ball of light in the direction he hoped the old woman Oracle still existed.
Around him, the tent came back into focus.
it Wellssandra!” Farron roared, no longer caring to be quiet, wheeling around
to face the panting girl. She was
blinking with exhaustion, but Farron didn’t notice. Roughly, he grabbed the girl by the shoulders and began to shake
her. “We could have finished them all!”
had to…We…Ravennie couldn’t…” Her attempts at speech failed as Farron shook her
harder, and bits of power drained off of him to bite at her bare arms. Her eyes rolled up into her head, as the
exhaustion of having to draw all three back combined with Farron’s rough
treatment stole her consciousness.
watched horrified as the color was drained from Wellssandra’s face, “Emperor,
she was right. Any longer and we would
have been lost in there. She saved our
lives. Emperor, please!” The blond
woman wanted to reach out, but she was too scared to touch the man again.
abruptly as it began, Farron’s temper faded.
He released Wells, letting her fall into an unconscious heap to the
floor. He stood and looked over at
Ravennie, who was watching Wells.
Farron gripped her chin, his power once more under control inside his
mind, and all Ravennie felt was the bruising pressure of his fingers.
happened?” he demanded. “I almost had
blue eyes were dilated, and her breath shallow. “We weren't meant to be
there. We did more than see them…we
actually went to them. We crossed into…I don’t know if it has a name – it’s the
source of all energy, and it’s a void of lost souls. When you let me go, I nearly…disappeared, but Wells caught
me. Then, when you tried to use your
power there, the forces that exist in that place were going to take it from
you. They would have taken you
too. She pulled us all back before we
got lost in there.”
stared at her, his eyes dark. He let go of her chin and looked down at
Wellssandra, his keen eyes checking to make sure she was still breathing. Satisfied he hadn’t killed her, he look back
at Ravennie, and sighed.
see,” he muttered, backing up a step.
“Well, I suppose I must make do with the knowledge that you saw
someone. Tell me, Ravennie, who was it
you saw?”
Tillurian, like me. I’d seen him before – he grew up not far from me before I
moved to Danaeria,” her hand shook as she brushed a strand of blond hair out of
her face. “His name is Tanner, Vin
nodded, scratching his chin. “Could you
draw him?”
do it. I want his face on posters in every one of my camps, in every town that I
own, in every place that I rule. 500
Crowns for whomever brings me his head and those of his traveling
companions. Vin Tanner and his six
friends will not make it through this country alive.”
awoke slowly, his head throbbing like a drum.
Every muscle in his body ached, as if he’d just awoken from some
terrible sickness, and he found it difficult to move anything. He felt heat on the side of his face and
down one side, but it was quickly fading.
nearby he was aware of someone crying, and of soft voices in the background,
but nothing about them made sense. He
felt a hand touch his forehead, and a brief flash of light burst through his
eyelids. Abruptly, the headache
lessened, and he groaned.
be alright now,” a voice said tiredly, “but he’ll be sore for a while. Probably have a bit of difficulty moving
around initially, but it’ll fade.”
you wake him up?” A second voice asked.
should be pretty much awake already,” the first voice replied. A cold finger tapped his cheek. “That’s enough napping, Danaerian. Wake up,”
the voice ordered. He knew that voice,
but he wasn’t sure how. All he really
knew was that he didn’t want to wake up.
wake up. I know you’re awake. Open your eyes.” The voice was persistent.
It was also extremely irritating. He knew it now – it belonged to the wealthy
Moorish healer, Nathan something or other.
sure he’s waking up?” This second voice
was less deep, but had a gruff quality, like aged paper. The Brishnian Paladin.
“Yeah. Detected it in his breathing a minute ago.”
bloody time,” another voice said angrily.
Captain Wilmington.
Fabulous. The man was a
boor. A dangerous boor, but still a
Standish, please, open your eyes,” Nathan Jackson’s voice was soothing, for all
its faults. He sighed. Best not to keep
the audience waiting.
a supreme effort, he cracked his right eyelid, then his left. A few quick blinks later, he found himself
looking up at the healer. Nathan was
watching him curiously.
are you?” It was the question of a scientist who’d just conducted an
experiment, not a doctor concerned about his patient. Ezra found this annoying, but not surprising. Either way, he didn’t answer. Instead, he looked around, trying to figure
out where he was. He was lying on a table, and thought he recognized the beams
of the main room of the public house above his head, though he couldn’t quite
recall how he got there. Last thing he recalled was going into that small
storage room….
crying was louder now, and he tilted his head, his muscles a bit strained with
effort. The mage, Josiah, was sitting at one of the tables staring morosely at
a prone figure lying on top of it. Inez
sat off to one side – she was the one who was crying. The mage, in contrast, seemed utterly blank. JD stood at the foot of the table, one hand
resting on the old woman’s foot, tears silently running down his face.
dead?” the thief croaked. One bejeweled
hand reached up to brush at his throat, to massage away the roughness.
– he…he hit her with something before we could pull out of that place. It hit you too, but not as directly.” Nathan frowned. Right before the energy bolt hit, Nathan thought he had seen Ezra
actually try to shield the older woman, but the memory seemed irreconcilable
with everything he’d seen of this man up until now. As easily as the thought came, he dismissed it as illogical.
Couldn’t of happened.
you remember?” Chris asked, leaning against the table.
blinked up at him, trying to sort through what happened. “I’m not sure,” he said finally, shutting
his eyes. “Give me a moment.”
paladin raised an eyebrow and looked at the healer. Nathan simply shrugged.
He didn’t know what else to do – he’d healed the physical aftereffects
of the energy burn, but had no idea what mental effects the energy charge might
have had. He’d never seen a power like
that of the emperor, and had certainly never had to heal someone hit by
it. Ezra had gotten lucky by only
receiving a glancing blow – Hannah had died immediately.
to Inez, who had come into the storeroom to check on them when she heard Hannah
scream, she found the old woman dead, and the rest of them unconscious on the
floor around her. The proprietress had
instantly cleared the tavern and had her bartender carry them out and placed on
the tables. They’d all woken up fairly
quickly, except Ezra. The thief had
been holding the Oracle’s hand in the void, which is probably why he’d also
been hit, albeit indirectly. Still,
repairing the damage had been more difficult for Nathan than your average fire
or ice burn, especially since, as with most magical attacks, the damage was
internal, and so wasn’t visible. He was just happy to know that he could fix
it, especially now since he was sure they would be facing Farron again.
opened his eyes again, to look at the paladin and healer still leaning over
him. “What happened exactly?”
is the last thing you recall?” Nathan said.
storage room, the Captain forcing me to…touch…the Oracle, then…” he frowned
again, his green eyes searching the rafters above his head for answers. Suddenly his eyes widened, “Farron! By the
Gods, he was there, wasn’t he? Or at
least, what he has become….” His breath
quickened as the memory of Farron’s power coiled around his neck like a noose. Hannah had not only shown them Farron
physically, she had shown them his soul, and the dark madness that was growing
there. He tilted his head to look at
Hannah again, “She was right. The Gods help us, she was right. And he killed her ….” Trailing off, he tried to calm his
breathing. It didn’t take long,
although the rest of his body seemed to still be resonating with whatever power
Farron had thrown at them.
sighed and leaned back from the table to look over at Buck. The Captain was watching him quietly from
where he stood next to the scout.
what now?” Buck asked.
do what Hannah told us to. We get the Tillurian queen and Eloise to safety, and
then….then we find a way to stop Farron.
We’ll kill him if we have to.”
frowned, and managed to prop himself up on his shoulders. “Are you insane?”
turned to him, his brown furrowed. “You have a better idea?”
yes. I say we forget everything we just
learned and get the hell out of here.”
mean run away?” Buck said, his voice aghast. Ezra ignored him, staring at
the power Farron controls is impossible.
We can’t fight that. Whatever
she wanted us to do…we can’t. He’s too
powerful.” Ice-green eyes to meet Chris’s steel ones, imploring. Not much scared the clever Danaerian, but
magic certainly did. He hated anything
he couldn’t control, and magic was one of them.
paladin grimaced, but Hannah’s vision had had the opposite effect on him as it
did on the thief. It only made him want
to finish Farron more.
don’t see as we have a choice, Ezra.”
thief set his mouth in a fine line.
“Perhaps you don’t, Sir Larabee, but not me. I will not fight a battle I can’t win, no matter what the
cause.” Shakily, he sat up off the
table, swinging his legs over the side, brushing a hand through his hair.
doesn’t change his tune, does he,” Buck growled. Ezra favored him with a dirty look.
Josiah’s voice was quiet, but it instantly got everyone’s attention, even the
recalcitrant thief. He was still
sitting by his sister, but his deep blue eyes were focused on the red-clad nobleman. “You have to come with us. Hannah…,” he swallowed, “Hannah died so that
you, and we, could see that. You are
part of this, for good or ill.”
thief’s jaw set, but he shook his head.
“I…I am sorry for your loss, mage.
But I won’t risk my life for her or you. My calling is elsewhere.”
what exactly is your calling?” the mage tried again, his voice taking on
an edge. Narrowing his gaze, he took a
gamble, “Crawling across rooftops?”
jerked slightly, then frowned. Chris’s eyes
lit up, and he smiled slightly. The thief didn’t notice. Everyone else stared with confusion at the
you’ll excuse me,” Ezra said slowly, moving to stand, “I think I’ve had enough
for one night.” Suddenly, Chris was there, clamping a hand down on his
shoulder, preventing him from moving.
me, sir,” he ordered quietly.
are you,” Chris demanded, pressing down a little more deeply with his hand.
told you….”
you didn’t. That you are Danaerian is clear, but beyond that, I doubt anything
you told us was true. You played Buck
and the rest of us with that weak nobleman routine, but you are anything but
weak. When Hannah touched you the first time, you responded with a fighter’s
crouch. You’re too quick not to have been trained, and you held that dagger
with a confidence gleaned only from experience. Then there are the flare pellets you keep up your right sleeve –
common enough for a faire conjurer or stage actor, but not a nobleman. So who are you?”
jaw tensed, his eyes now watching the floor.
“I am Lord Ezra Standish…Ungh!” Chris’s hand pressed down harder,
pressing the pressure points in the shoulder.
Ezra glared at him, and spoke through gritted teeth, “I am telling you
the truth, you black-clad lunatic! I am
a Danaerian lord, but I have not been a member of Farron’s court since I was
fourteen, when I followed his son into exile.”
He shoved Chris’s hand away. The
paladin allowed it, and took a step back.
Ezra sighed, and rotated his shoulder to get the feeling back in his
on,” Chris prompted. Ezra glared at
the paladin added lightly, which caused the thief to arch an eyebrow. After a moment, the nobleman shrugged.
was the son of a somewhat estranged member of Farron’s court -- a woman of
scant resources but strong wit -- and she managed to work it so that I became
the prince’s closest confidant. We went to school together, spent all our time
together, even traveled together when Farron sent the prince away to spend
months at a time in outlying holdings.
Of course, what my mother didn’t know was that I was not pretending to
be his friend. The prince is the only
man I am loyal to, the only one I trust implicitly, and while we were still in
Farron’s castle in Leda, I was his strongest supporter.”
heard rumors about Farron’s son,” Buck inserted nonchalantly. “Farron never let him come out in public,
did he? I never saw him, even though I
did visit Leda once or twice. They
always said he was away.”
has always been greedy for power, Captain.
He was afraid that, if he let his son out, then he could be used as a
means to threaten or shorten Farron’s own reign. A source of intrigue, if you
will. You understand,” he waved his hand in a dismissive manner, “the usual
Castle politics. So, most of the time,
he was kept in seclusion.”
what happened when you were fourteen?” Chris asked. Brishnia had heard that Farron had exiled his son, but, since the
prince had always been an unknown personality, they had no idea how to take the
news. The other kingdoms had expected
the prince to try and get their help in reclaiming his title, but the young man
had never resurfaced.
we were both fourteen,” the thief said, “the prince…learned of Farron’s idea to
recreate the empire. When he challenged
him on it, threatening to rise against him if he tried, the King ordered him
banished for treason and sent him to the Northern Reaches of the peninsula. I,
and a handful of other loyal courtiers, followed him, much to my mother’s dismay.”
He smiled, then it fell away again. “That was over fifteen years ago. After a
while, the prince came to believe that Farron would never follow through on the
idea, and we were as surprised as anyone when the king attacked Cathacus.” He shrugged.
didn’t the prince try to reclaim his title earlier?” Buck asked, his brow
knitted in curiosity.
smiled crookedly, “Because he never wanted to be King. Once outside the castle walls, he tasted
freedom for the first time, and he didn’t want to give it up. But, with
Farron’s move to create the empire, the prince decided he had to try and stop
his father. So, I and my fellow
courtiers now act as his spies in the kingdom.
I learn what information I can about Farron, about those working against
him, about anything that might affect the battles, and I sell it to those who
might be able to use it against Farron.
Not that it matters anymore….” he finished darkly.
you’re a spy,” Chris restated, ignoring Ezra’s last sentence. “Is that all you are?”
eyebrows shot up, “I’m sorry?”
I was just thinking on the quality of your clothes, Standish, and the gold on
the dagger at your belt. Seems that a
spy for an exiled prince would be hard pressed to afford such finery.”
mouth opened slightly, before he shut it tightly again. “I am afraid I do not know what you are
implying sir.”
shook his head, “Oh, I think you do.
You know I saw you, Ezra. In the
alley. You may have been wearing a
mask, but your eyes give you away. I
admit, you had me fooled for a while….”
repeat, sir,” Ezra struggled weakly to his feet, “I do not know….”
this is the man who stole your things.” Chris turned his gaze to the healer,
who returned the stare with a shocked expression.
both he and Ezra demanded.
I take umbrage at that heinous accusation,” the thief cried.
whirled to stare at the smaller man, then his jaw clamped shut. He grabbed the
red doublet in his hands, pulling Ezra to him none to gently. “Where are my things,” he demanded.
is wrong, Master Jackson. I have no idea…”
return to me my things or I will have you hung from the tallest rafter in this
the thief’s expression hardened, schooled into a poker face the others would
soon get to know all too well. “I dare
you to try it, Moor,” Ezra hissed.
let him go,” Chris ordered. “You’ll get your things.”
healer risked a glance at the paladin, “How do you know?”
he has no choice. Now let him go.”
Moor scowled, but did as he was told.
Ezra stepped away, and found himself falling rather heavily into a handy
chair as his legs gave out from under him.
Damn, he needed his strength back.
Covering for his weakness, he turned to stare angrily at the paladin.
Nathan’s things, Ezra,” Chris said quietly.
if I had such things in my possession, Sir Larabee, where, pray tell, do you
get the idea that I would ever be ordered by you?”
paladin shrugged, “Because you are going to go with us to Tallus, and that
means you will do as I tell you to.”
laughed, “I really do hate to repeat myself, paladin, but I’m afraid that going
up against a frighteningly powerful madman with an army at his back is not on
my list of things to do this month.”
looked across at Vin, who had sidled up during the latter part of the
conversation. The scout smiled at the
paladin then down at the thief, “You know, Ezra, I reckon you should be leaving
town anyhow.”
if you don’t,” Chris hissed, “I’ll give you up to the townsfolk, and make sure
they have you tarred, feathered, pilloried and branded.”
wiped the smile from the thief’s face, but only for a moment. When it came back, it was only slightly less
irritating for the healer. “I’ll sleep
on it,” he told the group finally, getting back to his feet in order to leave.
you in the morning,” Chris replied, leaning back against the table as he
watched the thief make his way slowly across the room to the stairs. As soon as he was out of earshot, Nathan
don’t see why he has to come with us,” he muttered.
be useful,” Chris answered, sitting down on a handy bench.
don’t trust him to stay with us. You’ll
see, he’ll leave as soon as he has the opportunity,” the healer rejoined.
but if Hannah was right…” The paladin looked across to the woman lying on the
table. Josiah looked up from where he
was now stroking back her hair, then averted his eyes again.
trust him,” the mage said slowly.
Why?” Nathan demanded. The others
turned as well, all wearing equally incredulous expressions.
because Hannah believed in him. And
second….he tried to protect her when Farron threw that fireball. I saw him try
to pull her back, and I think you did too, Nathan. I don’t think he himself recalls doing it, but he did. That has to mean something. Not that it did Hannah any good….” He
grimaced and shut his eyes. After a
moment, he buried his head in his hands and started to cry.
walked over and sat next to his friend, lightly placing an arm around his huge
shoulders. The others, feeling unable
to do more than offer feeble condolences for a woman none of them had known,
slowly drifted off to wherever they were spending the night, hoping that this
was not an inauspicious beginning to their quest.
next morning found all seven men, Inez, Mary and a handful of other townsfolk
at the graveside of Hannah Marie Sanchez.
The service was quick, as per Josiah’s wishes. He stood by as the gravediggers drove the tombstone into the
ground at the grave’s head, then laid a hand on the cold stone.
see you soon, sister,” he whispered, “one way or another.”
Less than an hour later, seven men rode out of the mining town, heading west.
Continued in Part Two